We all have been to this circumstance where you need your phone and phone tends to say – Ok Bye!, that moment where your phone seamlessly break your heart and broke itself. So, today I am listing the things that phone do to give you the hint that it is time to purchase a new cell-phone.
1) Screen won’t work properly
Suppose, you accidentally dumped your phone into water sink, but then also it was working just fine. Now, after few days your smartphone screen tends to behave abnormally, for example, it shows the touches in various part of a display, and you didn’t hit that area.
2) Autocorrect behaves in a weird manner
In case you have iPhone, you’re phone’s autocorrect seems to hate you so don’t think that you need a new phone. Although if you are using an iPhone, that’s the sign to switch to another reliable brand. But other than that if your autocorrect is off and then also your phone is acting over-smart, that’s the sign to dump it and buy a new one.
3) It gets obsolete
Vintage collection is beautiful to look upon but not safe for daily use. Many of us love the phone so much that we don’t want to replace it with other good and reliable phone.
4) Preloaded apps fail
When you’re phone’s inbuilt app behave in a wired manner, then it’s a point you hunt for a new phone. If the inbuilt apps are now giving you errors, then there is no good reason you should install other apps, in that case, the phone can also behave more inadequately.
5) Button stuck
When your power button gets pressed even when you didn’t touch it, that means there is something wrong with the phone even this can cause many issues so better change the phone or get it repaired.
One of the most wired issues faced by many smartphone users is their caps lock won’t turn off even if they toggle it sometimes this is the problem which can be easily fixed by some tweaks in Langage and Keyboard settings. But sometimes you have to look for a new phone otherwise this may lead to some serious issues.
7) Not Able to connect to WiFi or frequently disconnecting from WiFi
Does this ever happen to you, that you are close to your wifi router and your phone constantly disconnecting from your wifi router, and when you toggle the wifi switch on your phone, then it will again ask for wifi password this is not your router’s?
8) Camera hears you incorrectly
When your phone misunderstood your commands and open calculator when requested camera, you should know that your mobile deserves to be in a bin not in your pocket or wallet.
9) Phone give error anytime
You have to make an urgent call or have to fire off an important email, but your phone can’t do these simple task without giving loads of error messages you should visit techvy.com to check out the list of new phones.
10) Battery errors also after full charge
You have charged your phone until it shows you battery is fully charged, but when you disconnect the charger automatically, it shows battery level is low. This scenario is common and a major sign of changing the phone’s battery or even your phone.
So, these are the scenario where you should try to get a new phone.