We are getting very new technologies day-by-day for satisfying the user’s requirements and needs. Marketing has become the most important aspect of show casing your product. Previously we used to market our product using paper ads, TV advertisement, etc. But that is a time taking and costly process. But now technology has changed, and new trends have been emerging. Now we advertise using Posters, logos, websites, pamphlets, etc. We have a got a new software to all of this stuff. That is Photoshop. You can use this to make posters, design logos, edit the images you have taken, apply different editing functions such as cropping, resizing, coloring, etc. using it. You can manipulate any image by creating different background styles, changing fonts and colors, cut and paste different views, images, etc. This is the most available and needed software for almost all the businesses, organizations, firms, etc.

Multimedia Photoshop is an image editing and image creation, graphic design software introduced by the Adobe Systems Inc. Though there are many editing software in the market, Photoshop has gained almost everyone’s attention and stood as the leader. You can manipulate the existing image and transform it into a completely new image using functions resize, changing backgrounds, crop, coloring on digital photos. There are also professionals in this field who completely work on designing who develop the integral functions of this Photoshop software, and they are Graphic designers and professional photographers. This is must in the photo studios to make the simple and normal images much beautiful and attractive. It can be used in different fields such as companies for logo and poster designing, in movies for graphic designing, in photo studios for image editing. Any image editing app consists of its features; they can be used on smart phones also. There are different versions of it available on the Internet.

Images can be edited based on pixels which are called raster images. It can also edit vector graphics. You can edit the images by its creation, altering by using the layers as it supports transparency with multiple overlays. To alter the underlying colors of the image, layers can also act as filters or masks. You can even add blur, shadow, fog, etc. effects to the layers. To reduce the repetition of tasks, and reduce efforts, automation features are included in the Photoshop. Working on content from any computer is possible using Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud).
It has become one of the best standards in the industry for image manipulation program for so long. Now it has also become the verb. You can use words such as image is shopped or photoshopped. That means it is manipulated or created, edited, faked, etc. It is compatible with all the platforms; you can use it on Linux, Windows, Mac, etc. It is open source software. Old versions are available for free on the Internet. To get the new versions, you need to pay; after all is worth it.