HTTP and HTTPS Difference and Similarities
We are currently living in a modern world. Technology is rising fast and unstoppable. In a way, it makes our lives easier. Without it, life would be difficult and people have to admit that because technology helps people to save time and effort for this world to be a better place to live in.

When you speak of technology nothing surpass the Internet. People are so into it these days. The Internet allows you to communicate with your family, friends and anyone that comes to mind, anywhere in the world. A lot of people also make use of the Internet for business purposes. A large percentage of Internet users are now into social networking sites where they upload their personal information. With the magic-like quality of the Internet aren’t you a little interested in finding out how can you communicate with it?
Internet access allows you to connect anywhere in the world at any given time, its communicating powers is absolutely phenomenal. Through it, you can do almost anything; chat, research, e-mail, share photos and even transfer money.
You will notice that you always have that “WWW” in front of each website that you put on your address bar this makes you associate WWW with the Internet, but WWW and the Internet are not the same. Internet refers to hardware or physical components that complete the whole network like; cables, switches, the computer itself and others. While WWW stands for World Wide Web or can simply be called Web. WWW serves as a house to all websites that you want to visit. WWW won’t function alone, it runs through HTTP or simply ‘the language to transmit or receive information’ to customers and browsers. Although, WWW and Internet are often mistaken the same, they are totally different from each other. WWW is popular but it won’t work without the Internet. The two must be together to be able to connect. Both have different functions, but both rely on each other.
As you can see on your address engine, WWW or World Wide Web appears. The Websites can be viewed by using web browsers. It has HTML applications or Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML makes a web site look good because of its graphic designs. It uses JavaScript codes to make HTML work. HTML has links, just click it and you can jump to another site. Tons of information can be easily accessed through surfing the net. As of today, there are billions of public sites you can visit.
You’ll probably notice the HTTP or HTTPS that appears on your monitor. Usually, the address engine starts from “http://”, but what does it do and what’s the difference aside from the ’S’? Most people mistook it as the same. They don’t pay too much attention. But there’s a big difference.
It is much better if you are aware about its purpose; here is some information that will help you understand the difference better.
HTTP or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, as mentioned earlier, refers to the language, which allows the message or information to be passed, received or viewed by the users. It’s like a communication between the website and the clients. Using it however has a bit of a disadvantage, why? That is because the information that you uploaded can be tracked by somebody else. The short and long of it is that you seem to be in a public place every time you use HTTP and most people are not aware of it. There is danger in using HTTP especially when you do secure transactions like transferring funds or buying online. There is nothing wrong in using HTTP but you should be responsible when you are using it. Keep in mind that the public can access your account. This might lead to something serious like, identity theft and somebody might use your personal information or even access your bank account. To prevent this, do not give away your credit card number or other personal information if you are on HTTP. If you are asked to fill out a form and it requires you to include your credit card number or other private numbers while using HTTP, disregard the request. Personal information must not be spilled out just like that. Remember that we are talking not just about money but also your own personal security. Just in case you really need to do personal stuff like that, you need to be secured and it’s possible by using HTTPS.
HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. From the word ’secure’ you’ll probably have an idea. Everyone wants to be secured; it gives you peace of mind and keeps you away from danger. Using HTTPS is much better than HTTP. HTTP is good if you are just surfing the net, but if you are doing business be sure to check if the website you are on is on HTTPS. It virtually allows you to be invisible, your messages won’t be tracked and you are confident that no one will see what you are doing online. By using HTTPS, you can now give personal information like your credit card numbers or bank accounts without worries. HTTPS ensures that the information you give will be secured and nobody can gain access to it. The information you give is just between you and the company. HTTPS guarantees that it is safe and the contents of your message won’t be spilled out. WWW, HTTP and HTTPS are somehow related but quite different from one another. Different functions but similar construction.
Now that you are aware of its functions it will be easier for you to avoid problems in the future. It is best to equip yourself with this information so you won’t suffer later. You now have a clear idea on how these three works; hopefully it will keep you away from trouble. It might be confusing at first but somehow it’s something that can be learned with a little effort.
Keep in mind that giving personal information online shouldn’t be done rashly. Think first and check if you are using HTTPS, if you’re see it you are safe, otherwise don’t give any information that could possibly harm you.