IOS 7 all betas list and improvements of best features and specifications
At last Apple’s newest mobile platform is finally here with its unbeatable advance features! The company had just taken the stage of San Francisco during its annual WWDC event last June 10, 2013 to be able to announce the very newest iterative mobile platform – the IOS7. This is the start for a new overhauled look for the leading gadget company of the world Apple. IOS7 is an Operating System that sits in different apple products such as iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
As stated by the company’s CEO, Tim Cook, “this will bring a biggest change to the iteration of apple platforms”. No doubt that this IOS7 brings an overall makeover not just on its shocking visual effects, as well as to its vibrant host of new features. One of the interesting features of IOS7 is its stunning interface design. Apple had just created an extraordinary overhauled interface mobile platform. It is indeed noticeable that Apple’s IOS7 has stunning features from its minimalistic icon that are filled with neon and pastel color up to swiping effects it has when opening or closing an application installed. Also, IOS7 allows you to snick images behind heading and a keyboard which is made possible by of its transparency feature. Moreover, IOS7 has launches its 3d effect which will no longer stop you for opening a massive tab; you can now open tabs limitlessly greater than eight tabs unlike of IOS6.
Not to mention its parallax effect which makes icon float above home screen that apparently makes IOS7 mobile platform design more attractive. Icons are also overhauled to its more rounded shape feature and color. Even fonts are also twisted.

Take a look at IOS7’s notification center system feature. From now on you’ll have an accessible centralized notification of various events which enables you to have a quick access of today’s current views of daily traffic conditions, calendar, reminder, stocks and even the next day’s summary just right after the lock screen. With IOS7 platform, users are given a chance to make changes through toggling some of its settings which will apparently help the user use his/her gadget in its very convenient way.
There are a lot of iterations made for enhancement of IOS7 to reach its full specifications. It took three (3) versions of IOS7 beta to make sure that all bugs and noticeable features run properly before the final announcement of the software. One of the most visible features that IOS7 has been its compatibility to run on the big screens like of iPad mini and other Apple products. Also, user interface enhancements, noise wavelength graphic design and even text navigation are acquired after the 2nd beta of IOS7 iteration.

After the second beta iteration of IOS7, Apple experts released the third version of IOS7 to provide solutions on the 2nd beta have. It was noticed during the 2nd iteration that some features of IOS7 were not running properly like of iCloud, AirPlay and even Message Application. In connection to this, IOS7 was enhanced to its 3rd beta with improvements like of contrast options for transparency purposes, attractive indicator for upcoming events in a calendar application. Above all, the new font enhancement is the most noticeable. IOS7 make use of Helvetica Nueu font to make it more readable than the one released before. As the image shows above, the current font used is better in the eyes especially for those people who have difficulties in reading caused of eye problems.
Consequently, because of the innovations made by Apple Company to come up with this mobile platform operating system called IOS7, there will be a great challenge for operating systems manufacturers like of Microsoft and Android phone providers.