Jscript, Ajax and JavaScript
This is the era of web browsing and scripting languages are one of the core elements of Web Development. Scripting languages and tools enable loads of features to enhance interactivity, security and browsing of a website.

Further to this, it gives many flexible options both to the users while browsing and the developers in order to make user friendly websites. Scripting languages can be used both for the simple tasks like mouse over and complex tasks like posting data into databases. It is, therefore, becoming more and more important for the web developers to make the best use of the scripting languages and tools. Some of the majorly used scripting languages and tools are stated below.
Netscape developed a scripting language named as LiveScript that enabled web developers to create interactive and dynamic websites. It was soon named as JavaScript and it is a client side language. Client side applications are efficient and dynamic as compared to server side applications. Furthermore, JavaScript is an open language that doesn’t require the purchase of any licenses. It is supported by all the current browsers like Chrome, Opera, Firefox etc.
Jscript was developed by Microsoft and it was implemented as Windows Script Engine. It is normally used by Internet Explorer, Windows Script Host and Active Server Pages. Further, Jscript has all the features of JavaScript but it was named as Jscript to get around the trademark issues. Jscript is also a client side language and unlike JavaScript, it supports conditional compilation and execution of selective code. Jscript can interact with HTML and XHTML source code to enable its dynamic feature on a specific website.
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX itself is neither a technology nor a scripting language; it is actually a group of interrelated technologies of web development. Some of the technologies used by AJAX are XHTML, Document Object Module, XSLT, XML, XMLHttpRequest Object and Cascading Style Sheet. AJAX is a client side tool containing the feature of JavaScript. Additionally, it retrieves data from the server in asynchronous mode without changing the existing web page. Hence, its core feature is that the user interface of a website can be updated without refreshing or reloading all the other objects of the web page. AJAX is supported by all the latest browsers.
JavaScript and Jscript are same language with difference in trademark except for some features. Netscape handed the JavaScript over to European Computer Manufacturers Association also known as ECMA after Microsoft was becoming popular and Internet Explorer was becoming the widely used browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer is the interpreter of Jscript whereas the JavaScript is interpreted in all browsers other than Internet Explorer. Both languages have introduced and added many new features with the passage of time. The biggest different between Jscript and JavaScript are all the commands that Jscript supports to access ActiveX and the local computer.
AJAX is a methodology used by JavaScript to retrieve data from the server. Moreover, AJAX is a tool that is used by scripting languages and scripting applications to perform a specified task and to enhance the functionality of a web page. Web developers also use AJAX for updating the information dynamically at server end that increases the interactivity and saves resources of the user while browsing websites.