Images speak more than words. You can use fewer words and explain more by using an image. This is the reason images are wide used in many websites. To abstract the content and also to fulfill the purpose of the website Images are used. Web designers need many images to be there on their site as an album for e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc. image gallery is the main aspect of the website. To decorate and optimize your websites, jQuery provides Image Gallery plugins, so that not much code is necessary. Just including that plugin is enough.
Among many we discuss about some of the mostly used jQuery image plugins
1. Donkey Gallery:
Though it has a funny name, it is made for dynamic gallery purposes. It provides asynchronous loading. It is developed using a pack of Ajax and PHP libraries. Installation, implementation, initializing, etc. is done very easily. You don’t need to have a deep technical knowledge to do that. Same page of the site can be fit with infinite galleries. It comes with the FancyBox and Easy Paginate plugins.
You can view how it works Demo
2. Bootstrap Image Gallery:
Additional functions added to the blueimp Gallery is the origin of the Bootstrap Image Gallery. It is responsive, customizable, video, touch-enabled image gallery. Features such as transition effects, swipe, full-screen support, and mouse and keyboard navigation are supported in this framework. Content loading can be extended which is used to display additional content types, on-demand.
View its working Demo
3. Justified.js:
Justified.js jQuery plugin is used to create justified image grid. As the name suggests, it fills the spaces and makes the gallery look consistent. To make them look consistent, this gallery creates images and arranges them in the same height in each row. Justified.js ideally displays the images without the need of modifying and cropping its aspect ratio. Here it is required that the images are positioned. When the size of the image has crossed its limit, cropping is needed to fill the grid.
Check out its Demo
4. Blueimp Gallery:
Blueimp Gallery is the mobile jQuery image plug-in mainly developed for supporting galleries on mobile devices. Not only images but also videos can be made a gallery. Some of the noticeable features of this plug-in are responsive, optimized, customizable, carousel, lightbox, tough enabled. This is similar to the Bootstrap Image Gallery as extension version of this plug-in is called as Bootstrap Image Gallery. It includes features of Bootstrap Image Gallery such as full-screen support, transition effects, keyboard and mouse navigation, swipe, slideshow functionality.
Check the Demo
5. Metro:
Unique and interactive way of displaying your portfolio can be done by a WordPress which is called METRO. It is also known as WordPress Grid Portfolio. Multiple galleries can be displayed in a single category using this plug-in. It supports features such as SoundCloud, Customizable, Unlimited colors, video, Metro UI item, Custom link.
Check out its Demo