In our lifetime, we all get addicted to something or the other. But, there is one common stuff to which almost everyone is addicted, and that is our smartphones.

As every addiction has, its side effects; the smartphone also have many. So, I thought why not write about top ten side effects of being addicted to Smartphones.
1) A Serious Addiction
Just answer this questions, can you stay away from your phone for 15 mins? Do you spend your sleepless nights with your phone? Do you find difficult to stay away from your phone? If your answer is yes to all the above question then my friend you are already addicted to your smartphone.

Due, to this dangerous addiction a person can’t stay away from their phones. They have an urge to check their phones in every 5 to 10 mins even if there is no call or notification. This severe addiction cause lack of social relation, leading to several physical damages, and not only that but also lead to some serious psychological issues.
2) Phone Vibrations: Real or Illusion

When your phone is in your pocket and not even on vibrate mode but you think it is vibrating and you check your phone again and again. This phenomenon is known as Phantom Phone Vibrations. PPV is a common but dangerous symptom of phone addiction.
3) Depression

Smartphones have hundreds of advantages no one deny it, but it also has thousands of disadvantages. Today meeting people up is more over meeting them virtually on social media, and that is one of the leading causes of depression. As we are always stuck with our phone for almost every minute to get a call or notification and if your phone didn’t buzz you started feeling inferior and that’s what leads to stress and depression.
4) Insomnia

Insomnia is a very well-known symptom of stress as well as addiction. According to research, smartphone addiction is very common in teenagers. They can’t get rid of their phones for a minute, and this causes uneasiness and restlessness. The worse part is when they sleep they still tuck their phone under their pillow so no one can check their phones while they are sleeping.
5) Stress

If you think studies and job cause stress, think again. Phone addiction also leads to stress. The stress not only affects your body but also on your fingers and mind too; this is proved by the University of Zurich while they were researching about phone addiction.
6) Aggressiveness

Did you notice when you are away from your phone you are outrageous? Did you ever think why? You’re angry because you are pretty attached to your smartphone. Aggressiveness and mood swings are common in teenagers when they are apart from their phones; this can also lead to some serious psychological issues as well.
7) Eye Sight

It is very common to hear that eyesight is affected by looking at the small mobile screen for hours. When you look at the screen for so long, your pupils inside the eyes keeps on adjusting the focal length, and that can also develop severe headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and also migraine.
8) Infertility

I know what you are thinking, but I am serious. Men and Boys usually carry their phone in their pockets, and the radiation from phone leads to decrease in the sperm count.
So, next time you put your phone into your pocket think twice.
9) Laziness & Lateness

Addiction comes with some common issues like being lazy and being late all time, and if you are addicted to a person or a thing, then these two elements are on top of the list. The study says that individuals who are addicted to their phones were not interested in doing anything else and tended to forget the appointments.
10) Concentration issues

Suppose, you are addicted to someone or something do you think you can concentrate on other stuff? I guess, I know the answer, and it’s no. While driving, eating or even walking, you tend to check your phones each time, and this is a major reason to cause accidents.
Try to get away from your phone or else it can even kill you. A slow death but sure death. So, this is my list of severe Symptoms of phone addiction. What do you think about it? Write it in the section below.