We are living in the 21st century which is extremely different from the previous centuries, and the reason behind this is the advancements in technology. Technology has reached from earth to the moon to various other planets in some last 20 years. The effects of technology can be observed everywhere from our daily requirements to our things that we desire.
Ten years ago, the mobile phone was a desire of a human being, but now it is a basic need, 10 years ago, pen and paper were used for studying, but now-a-days, our studies are incomplete without laptop or desktop. Technology has changed a lot, and this is the result of the hard work and innovation of some outstanding minds. Things are made more accessible and easier to handle with the help of this technology. With this technology, you can see your relatives by video calling, wherever they are. You can attend lectures sitting at home. You can search for anything anytime from anywhere in the world. These advancements in technology have a lot of benefits in our life, but with these benefits, there are a lot of side-effects as well. So, overall, the advancement in technology is a combination of both advantages and disadvantages which are described below.

Advantages of technological advancements
Various long-term advantageous effects of living in a technological world are the following:
- You can get things easily and in small time with the help of technology like getting information about something, getting the ways for some place, see or talk to your loved ones. Business has also been helped by the technology. You can connect with the people all around the world for business. You can shop sitting at your home and can get your products at your place without doing any effort.
- Technology is helping persons with disabilities a lot. Disable persons who always remain dependent on others can do their basic work their own with the help of technological advancements. A lot of equipment have been designed for them for making their life some simpler.
- Technology has grown a lot in the field of medical science. You can get your results faster and at your home. A lot of equipment have been designed for diagnosing different types of diseases.
Disadvantages of technological advancements

There are a lot of long-term bad effects of technological advancements which are:
- With the growth of technology, the life of people are more revolving around their gadgets, and they are not much social now. It is very common to see 5 or 6 persons sitting together but all busy with their gadgets. The social environment is getting lost with the time.
- Outdoor games and getting fresh air cannot be seen now-a-days. People are usually busy playing video games on their phones or PC. Very less of them are interested in going out, playing in the fresh air.
- A lot of cases of depression have been observed in last some time due to the less social environment, less contact, and excessive eating and just sitting.
- The habit of less sleeping is also common now-a-days. People remain busy using their gadgets and do not spend much time for sleeping and taking rest which is very important.
Every coin has two faces. Same is the case here. Technology advancements have both advantages and disadvantages. But due to disadvantages, we cannot say that we should not develop. We should try to minimize the wrong usage and should develop in the right direction.