The best way to show case the product of any firm, company, institute, organization or a business is publishing a website so that more no of people get to know about your product. Anything on the Internet goes viral. It is the best option to create a good, attractive website if you are a start-up company and waiting for more clients. The user should get the best experience in viewing and accessing your website. It might include perfect coloring, animations, new features that can attract a user and get more visitors to your website. Websites are the powerful marketing tool to attract and sell our product to the customer. We need to make sure that our website is appropriate and answers all the questions of the clients and fulfill all of their needs. A faulty website leads to loss of thousands of dollars ultimately. For all these reasons we need to build our website with utmost care.

Static and Dynamic are two types of websites. The one who codes a static website is called web designer and the one for a Dynamic website is called web developer. A website that is delivered or displayed to the user in the way it is stored. It cannot be changed. It concentrates more on its looks rather than the functionality. Static pages include contents, links to navigate to next pages, images, etc. They can be built using simple HTML language, and CSS is used to make it beautiful. These kinds of websites are used just to display the information already designed by the designer. Here there is no interactivity between the user and the system as it doesn’t take input from the user. It just displays whatever is already defined. Websites such as your profile, simple college website can come under static websites.

When we come to the Dynamic websites, this includes responding to the client based on the query he requested for. This includes a database to store the values stored and retrieved to the user, the Server that responds to the user’s requests, a protocol which helps your query to be sent to the Server. The database can be MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. The Server can be tomcat, glassfish, etc. The Protocol can be HTTP, FTP, etc. Here this website concentrates on working more than its look.
Here, the user may want to interact with the Server for several purposes such as login, register to a website, posting queries, uploading or download the file, calculations of the values given by you, retrieval of graphs, etc. This is a critical website and different languages such as, JSP, PHP, and MySQL,, ruby on rails, etc. provide such dynamism. You even have some platforms to build such web applications in an easier way such as Netbeans, Eclipse, WordPress, Drupal, etc. E-commerce websites such as Amazon, Flipkart, Ebay, etc. comes under Dynamic website. They need to be secure, available and should maintain privacy. If the user is not able to interact or don’t get the response based on his inputs, then that website wouldn’t be Dynamic.
In both the cases, it is important to satisfy the user requirements.