MS Groove
MS Groove is a desktop application which is used for document collaborations. However, now it is renamed as M.S SharePoint Workspace. It is an offline virtual workspace which allows the users to work remotely but logically integrated in a team. It is very useful for team work, document sharing and for other official purposes. Users can use it while offline.

History of M.S Groove:
There is not a big history for M.S Groove, it was developed by Microsoft for centralized management. As Microsoft always provides the best solutions to its users, the launching of M.S Groove was the one of them.
Why Do We Need It?
Basically M.S groove was developed to share some data in form of files. So, by keeping yourself offline, you can work and access all shared files. It is easy to work remotely while sitting anywhere but still within a network, a local connection or the internet.
Functionality of M.S Groove:
As it is a shared point for offline and online users, it has proper mechanism from user creation process to file sharing. An administrator can send an invitation to any other person to become a member of his M.S Groove workspace, so any user may be able to become a permanent member of this shared workspace. An existing member can also invite other people to increase their team size. Users of M.G Groove can play with it in many ways, for example, they can add more documents, they can edit existing documents, they can create new workspaces, they can invite other members, and they also have an option to chat with other member users. All users can access their workspaces while sitting at virtual locations. If there were some changes made by one user, a notification for this will be routed to all other members so that they might update themselves. But while working offline, users have the same access to their workspaces and they can perform all operations with it as they do while being online. For other offline users all changes will placed be in a queue so that after login, users may see all updates and changes to the shared files. M.S Groove also provides the best sub-system to track all the users, as it shows all the users who are currently logged in and connected to server. In this case, all online users can send instant messages to other online users.
Versions of M.S Groove:
Microsoft always tried to give the best solution for their users each time they launched a program and they did made M.S Groove with best possibilities it could have. The following are the versions of M.S Groove:
- Groove Virtual Office 3.1
- Groove 2007
- Office Live Groove 2007
- SharePoint Workspace 2010 (New Name of M.S Groove)
Groove Virtual Office 3.1:
- It was very efficient version of Groove’s Network.
Groove 2007:
- It was launched in three forms, one product was available as separate and other two were ultimate and enterprise editions.
Office Live Groove 2007:
- It was sub-product of Groove 2007 and is available on subscription.
SharePoint Workspace 2010:
- It was a new name given to M.S Groove. It is the part of Microsoft policy that it keeps providing the best applications with new versions, functions and names.