Microsoft, the name itself is enough and no need of introducing it separately. It is the responsible for the operating system of the personal computers and Laptops. Some of its version is Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, 10. So it was in the field of Software development and one of the most leading companies in the world with a lot of reputation, high revenue and also the brand name. It was started by Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Paul Allen in the year 1975 at New Mexico, U.S and now its headquarters is in Microsoft Redmond Campus, Redmond, Washington, United States of America.

Some of its products are Microsoft MS Office which includes MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, etc. and Skype. So it is in the field of developing tools to various working conditions. Microsoft tries to bring new and useful products into the market as like their mind now it is an unexpected field and different angle which Microsoft is trying to step in and it was Social Eventing.
Yes, it looks unbelievable by some people, but it is true that Microsoft launched its Social Event Planning Application for iMessages.
Let’s have a look at this application to know what functions it does?
The Application is named as ‘Who’s In,’ the name is quite interesting. It is an iMessage app and supports to such operating systems only which mean the application can install only through the iMessage app store and we cannot find it in any other app stores. The aim behind this application is to make the events of meeting, helping them to plan the dates with one another.
Let’s know how the events are managed?
In the application, there are different events like Eat and Drink, Watch a Movie, visit an attraction, and create your own. Once we selected one of the events, then the application will reveal the location, area, etc. according to our priority. After selecting the location, the app will ask our details like Name, event time, and description for some of the events.
How application will secure our details?
Security is the more important thing nowadays due to the hackers and cheaters so by taking into the consideration the custom card will be self-generated which consists of our event, our Thumbnail image, and the location details. So a card type event will be created and show with a thumb up which means “I am in” and thumbs down will indicate that “I am out”.

One more interesting feature in this application is that we can send our event to number of people and can collect the votes or feelings of interest to join in the event with the applicant. Once in the past, Microsoft had launched the application which the sole aim to manage the events of friends but due to some technical and poor design it got failed and dropped from the market, and now after a long time it came by this Who’s In. It looks like Microsoft is back with modern technology, able to sustain in this field. It is also observed that Microsoft will remember the past mistakes and will try to regulate them this time.
Let all of us try this application to connect with the friends and manage the events with beloved ones. We will hope for the growth of new who’s in the application by Microsoft.