To all those lazy bones out there, you don’t have to run or walk around now to manage your home appliances. With Wemo Switch, you can manage or control all your home appliances just with the click of a switch and you don’t even have to move at all. You can do all these while sitting on your couch or relaxing on your bed.
Wemo Switch, what is it exactly?
To make your work easier, Belkin has introduced a smart Wi-fi switch that can control all your household electronic devices such as fans, lights, TV, lamps, stereos, heaters, etc. from anywhere. By using your home’s Wifi network, this Wemo switch provides wireless control to all your brown goods.
How does this Wemo Switch work?
The Wemo switch has a switch, insight switch, light switch, monitoring sensor, camera, and an app to install on your mobile devices. You can plug in the Wemo switch to any electronic goods and control it through an Android or iOS Smartphone as using the Wemo app. You have to install the app first on your smartphone.
The motion sensor can be put up to that range where you home Wi-Fi network can reach. You can also use the app through your mobile internet. So, even if you are away from home, as long as you have the internet, you can turn on or off your electronic appliances from anywhere.

You can also set a particular schedule, about when to turn your fan or other goods on or off and it will work accordingly. For example, if you set to turn on the fan at 2:00 am, it will automatically turn on at 2:00 am while you are still asleep.
If you are too lazy to run the app and do all the thumb-tapping to make your Wemo work, here’s another solution for you, just attach Amazon Alexa with your Wemo switch and then all you have to do is speak your mind and all the tasks will be done. In a simple word, it provides you voice controlling power over your electronic goods. Isn’t that great?

The “away” and “home” modes are amazing to use. When you are away from your home, just set the Away Mode, and it will turn off all your electric appliances, which can help you to save money from giving a huge amount to your electric bills.
The IFTTT feature in Wemo helps you to get notifications about the activities of your device. You can also set a daily activity with this feature. Let’s say, if you set to switch on the lights while the sun is set, this feature will do the task for you on a daily basis. There is another mind-blowing feature to this device; it can talk back. It will talk to you via text message, mail, or through social media services such as Facebook, Evernote, etc. This feature works when someone enters your house, or you set it up beside your bottled water. You may set a reminder about filling up the bottle with water at a particular time. Wemo will notify you by sending you a message via SMS, email or other online services. The maximum retail price of this Wemo switch is $39.99.