We get connected to the whole world from the place where you stay. You can get connected through different sources, such as Computers, mobile phones, sites, etc. Connections are used for communication, work, imports, and exports, etc. The main source for this connection is Network. All of these devices get connected to each other using cables, or wireless network, or signals, etc. Status parameters and control data is exchanged and transmitted in application area using a field bus in the traditional control network. But for the signals or distance up to which the transmission is possible is always limited to the certain extent of the area. Remote monitoring function cannot be achieved all the time at every place. This problem can be solved by integrating embedded and web technologies. Monitoring of the systems is managed by the web for embedded equipment.

Without region and time limit, now web browser can be used, and managers can monitor, maintain and access the on-site equipment through the network. Inter access and communication between the heterogeneous machines, equipment is possible. In order to provide a device with the remote access from a web browser, it is necessary that the web server needs to be embedded or integrated in the device you are using.
The web browsers are provided with information, such as about dynamic and static data, embedded web documents, which are done by the embedded system. Such a web server is known as an Embedded Web Server.
A microcontroller that is provided with the application code and an Internet software suite which is used for controlling and monitoring systems are called the embedded web servers. Embedded network contains the embedded web servers as its integral part which leads to faster time to market products. Embedded Web based monitoring system’s condition equipment allows the equipment to directly connect to a network as a node.
Equipment condition data is provided for user browsing in the web page by using B/S model. There is no need for the clients to install special software for using this. Just a web browser is enough to monitor and control the condition of the equipment.
Following are the advantages of this structure:
- The Seamless connection between the management and the equipment is made easier.
- Conversion of data in the intermediate gateway is not needed.
- Building cost of the system is reduced, by the use of the mature Web technology.
- Real-time performance of the system is improved with the development of Ethernet technology of the industries.
The Function Design Of Remote Monitoring System
Collection of the real-time data, using a web form to publish it, data is formatted in the user-defined transmission style and then sent remotely, etc. are the main functions of the equipment monitoring system based on the web. Rich, flexible diagnosis and remote monitoring functions should be provided. It is possible by the combination of the software based configuration on a standard web browser. Monitoring system includes supporting of multi services, Dynamic publishing of historical and real-time data, authority, real-time control and setting of remote parameters, access level setting, and authentication.