Most awesome android apps available
Android phones are among the most advanced cell phones ever. Their utility and benefits can be enhanced even more if you have handy and interesting applications installed on them. Let’s have a look at the most awesome android apps available.
1. Instagram is a very easy to use Android app. The basic purpose of this app is to share photos that you think would be a source of smile and laughter among your near and dear ones. This android app is extremely easy to use as you just need to take a photo and then share it with your friends after adding a filter.

2. Another very cool Android app is Kindle. The avid book readers are bound to love this app as with the help of Kindle, you can easily have access to the numberless books and magazines. You can fill up the virtual shelves on your cell phone with the help of this app.

3. SMS pop-up is an incredible Android app for those who are quite particular about special messages. You are sure not to miss on important text messages with the help of this SMS app. The good thing about this app is, it is not limited to being just a pop-up rather it goes beyond that as with the help of this app you can review and reply the messages and get an instant message alert as soon as you receive one. With the help of SMS pop-up app, you can use customizing options and personalized vibrate patters, LED lights and a lot more.

4. Who can do away with an Adobe flash player. The app Flash Player for Android facilitates you to access the video content on websites. So if you intend to enjoy the beautiful content, you need to have this handy app to make your task easier and enjoyable.

5. In today’s age of twitter and Facebook, one cannot survive without having apps which can help one use such social platforms on their cell phones. TweetDeck is especially designed for your android to let you use social networks like twitter and Facebook. Especially for Android users, this app is quite useful.

6. Netflix is an awesome and useful app for those who love to watch movies and TV shows while you are on the move. Netflix offers great possibilities to those who enjoy watching clips of full-length movies, documentaries and TV shows based on several different subjects.

7. If your natural bent of mind is more towards the creative side of the things, you must have MP3 Ringtone Maker on your Android phone. As the name suggests, with the help of this app you can show your creativity and create your own ring tones available in the form of sounds on your handset.

8. When it comes to having extremely unique and useful apps on your device, Juice Defender is certainly among the leading Android apps. The interesting thing about this app is, by customizing with the help of this app, you can enhance the battery time of your device big time.

9. Swype for android is an app that apparently may look a little ineffective or even complex but actually it is not so. In reality it is quite simple to use. It is a very unique and innovative way to type a text message in just a few seconds. With this app installed on your android phone, you just need to swipe across the screen to build words and the rest is done by the app itself.

10. For the game lovers, Virtual Table Tennis 3-D is available. Once you install this app on your Android device, you can pass the time by virtually playing ping-pong. The game has different levels of difficulty settings.

11. Just the way Chrome is for computers, Dolphin Browser is for android devices. You can simply search, share, bookmark and navigate easily with voice commands when you have this app on your Android.

12. ITriage Mobile Health is especially designed to give the users precise and easy access to the medical information and the nearest treatment facilities. The built-in Google maps can be used for navigation to the nearest possible destination. This app also has a doctor directory, symptom checker, and comprehensible information about several different diseases and procedures.

13. For those of you who like to stay updated with the latest news and headlines, Pulse News is a great Android app. You can easily delete articles and news headlines within the app. The updates are available in the form of a flash. It is just like an Internet scanner which selects and picks news and headlines for you.