Here are 13 topmost Firefox Add-ons for 2012:
1. Collusion- an Add-on that enables you to see the sites that use third party cookies in tracking your web movements. It shows in real time the way data creates spider web interactions between companies as well as other trackers.

2. URL Fixer- it corrects typos in the URLs which you write in the address bar. For instance, if you write google.con it corrects it to, but first asks for confirmation. URL Fixer helps in saving time which you could use to type again.
3. Measurelt- it performs only one purpose; providing you with a ruler that you can use in measuring items on nay web page. It is a valuable tool worthy adding in your collection of Add-ons for Firefox since web design relies mainly on correct sizing of design elements.

4. CSS Usage- an extension for Firebug that requires you to have a Firebug installation. It uncovers CSS style rules and works through identification of CSS that you use and that which you do not use, pointing out the unnecessary parts that can be scrapped off and keep your CSS files lighter.

5. Page Speed- website speed is very essential for usability and user experience. Nobody wants to use a slow website so you should do all what you can to make improvements on your website. It is important to test your website ability first before rendering it. You can use page speed online, webs based add- on version.

6. HTML Validator- a nifty add-on for Firefox that ensures that you write well-formed HTML. It does this by checking your mark up for compliance to the required standards. If it gets anything that is not compliant to the standards it tells you so that you can make corrections to the code.

7. IE Tab 2- every web designer is concerned much about cross browser compatibility of their job. With IE Tab 2 Firefox Add-on you can view any web pages that use Internet Explorer with Firefox. You need to right click the web page and choose ‘View Page in EI Tab’ option from contextual menu.

8. Screen-grab- web designers always take screen shots in web browsers. With Scree-grab you can take either full page or partial page screen shots. Additionally, you can copy your screenshot to clipboard or save it to the Hard disk as an image file.

9. SEO Doctor- SEO should begin at the design phase, when HTML is still malleable and can be easily changed. SEO Doctor is a Firefox Add-on that is convenient in checking webpage’s SEO. It offers you a score of 0-100% and highlights the areas in webpage which can opt for Search Engines.

10. ColorZilla- color is one of the main elements that web designers use. ColorZilla has a color picker and an eye dropper tool to enable you to sample and identify colors used in websites. You can also check out Rainbow Color tools for Firefox.

11. TwitBin- this Add-onenables you to keep up with all your conversations in Twitter right from the sidebar in your browser. You can send and receive messages as well as share links using this add-on.

12. 365scores Notifier- this is an add-on for sports fans. It notifies you of all the scores and updates you with all relevant information about your favorite team instantly.

13. Last Pass Password Manager- a Firefox Add-on that manages your passwords for all websites that you visit. This makes it easier and secure for you to browse. It is a useful add-on since no one can remember all those passwords.