In the fast-growing world of technology, new things come up every single day. It will be foolhardy to predict the ever-changing and ever-widening future of technology and programming. At best, we can guess what the future of the programming may look like.
It becomes important to master the skills and learn the topics that will dominate the world in the recent future. If we keep on investing our time on things that are going to be backdated soon, we will only be wasting our time, with no distinct results.
JavaScript will be written by Transcoding robots
We can free ourselves from writing JavaScript, by engaging Transcoding robots who will do the task for us. We will be able to write code in any of the dialects, and the transcoding robots will translate it into something understandable by the browser or Node.js. The most common dialects that can be used to write code are CoffeeScript.
It has the privilege of removing the importance of punctuations during coding, thereby, reducing the effort of programmers to get all the punctuations right while coding. Different variations of CoffeeScript include IcedCoffeeScript, Coco, CoffeeScript II. People may not bother to write in JavaScript when they can have robots that will transcode a program to the desired machine language.

Resurgence of Binary Protocols
Binary protocol is intended to be a protocol which can be read by a machine instead of a human being. Compared to XML data, passing data in JSON packets, back and forth, with REST protocols is easier. But some programmers have figured out that converting binary data to the string, only to be shown correctly on JSON, and then converting the string again to bytes, is not a convenient option.
In its stead, it will be better to ship data directly in the form of bytes. However, developing binary protocols is meant to be difficult at first, as experienced by many programmers, while dealing with binary protocols that have proprietorship and can be unpacked only by proprietary libraries. And after all these efforts it is not definite whether it will work successfully.
Although the openness of JSON and REST has been a winner, doesn’t mean that an open approach to binary protocol can’t be built to provide more efficiency to the user. The IoT or Internet of Things will be generating data on a large scale, and requirement will be there for a smooth transfer of small packets.

Displacement of HTML format by video online
Without any prior plan of remaking the mode of entertainment, HTML standards committee began embedding video tags in HTML to solve problems caused due to plugins. But the video tags are responsive only to JavaScript commands. Earlier, most videos found on the net could be consumed passively.
That is, we had to sit down, play the video and could see only those clips that the video editor wanted us to see. JavaScript has limited control on videos, but the web designers are curious to find out better ways to put together videos with the web page. In this way, the user will have control over the video and will be able to interact with the video.

Rest protocol’s IoT
It is expected that the REST protocol which has recently taken over the Internet will maintain its dominance in the future as well. Doorknob, thermostat and other things are becoming a member of the Internet. The reason behind it is the simplicity of REST owing to the basic architecture and the way it can be debugged easily, features which the programmers love.
An obvious side effect of Android taking over most of the world is that more objects will have their names in the Internet of Things. Android-enabled refrigerator means we will be able to write a code for the operation of the fridge, be it an app for suggesting recipes or do a calorie count of the meals we are taking. But, the most important object to be joining IoT will be, cars. And navigation and map directions are the proofs.

Smartphones will be used for everything but for making phone calls
Nowadays anybody hardly talks on the smartphone. Thanks to the easy availability of Internet, we, now send text messages, emails or do video chats with the help of our smartphones. The introduction of the smartphone has revolutionized our lives in the past few years. Also, we have accepted the changes it has brought upon us.
With so many apps available on the smartphone, we can now use a smartphone as a medical device – microphone that can pick up the sound our heartbeat, an accelerometer that can analyze our routine workouts and the calories burnt in the process. All the data can be collected and uploaded to cloud platform for the doctors to see.
The navigation apps can do everything like, showing us the map, route direction, status of parking space availability, and almost everything except steering the car.