Ranking of 5 Most Popular Search Engines
A Search Engine is a tool that is used to search for all the information on the World Wide Web or the FTP servers. Anyone who has the knowledge on doing effective research will have the idea of what a search engine is. When you insert the topic in the search engine’s text box and start searching for the appropriate information needed, all the results will be generally introduced in a list of results or often called as “SERPS” (Search Engine Results Pages).
That information may be presented with web pages, images, information or other types of data and files. Some search engines also have mine data (also called as data or knowledge discovery) which can be available in databases or open directories.
Here is the list of some of the most popular search engines:

1. First on the list is the commonly used Google Search, or the Google Web Search that is owned by Google Inc. Originally, it was developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. Google search is receiving a hundred million queries per day and the arrangement of the search results is based on a priority rank called PageRank. With its 22 special features, I personally use Google Search as my default search engine amongst all. These features include: home listings, sports scores, synonyms, time zones, weather forecast, stock quotes, maps, earthquake data, movie show times, and airports. There are also features for numbering that includes ranges, temperatures, money conversion. We can also calculate the prices using Google Search. Other features are patents, area codes, tracking of packages and translation of languages in displayed pages. Last June 2011, Google formally introduced Google Voice Search and Search by Image. These features will allow the users to search for words by speaking and giving images. Google has 900,000,000 estimated visitors each month.
Google Search Page Link: https://www.google.com/

2. Ever wonder why Bing was the 2nd on the list? According to eBizMBA Ranking, Bing has 165,000,000 estimated unique monthly visitors updated since last October 20, 2011. It was formerly known as Live Search, MSN Search or Windows Live Search. Bing is also a search engine that comes from Microsoft. Steve Ballmer unveiled it last May 28, 2009 at a conference in San Diego. But it was out and online on June 3, 2009 and the preview version was released on June 1, 2009. One of the most important changes includes the listing of every search suggestion entered and the list of all related searches also called as the Explore pane. On July 29, 2009, Microsoft together with Yahoo made a deal that will add power to Yahoo! Search. The transition will be early made 2012. Last October 2011, Bing announced Tiger as the new index-serving adding into the technology that will merge with Bing globally on August 2011. Bing main features include Interface Features, Media Features and Instant Answer depending on what field your question is related to, Local information. It can also integrate with Hotmail and Facebook. Why not try it now for better searching experience?
Bing Search Page Link: www.bing.com

3. Yahoo! Search comes in 3rd. This is owned by Yahoo! Inc. Last 2009, it became the 2nd largest search engine opposing with its competitor Google. Yahoo! Search was originally started as a web directory of different websites. Late 1990’s, it was developed into a complete portal with search interface and by 2007, a version of search engine that invoked a query by using the mouse alone or also called as the selection-based search. Yahoo has 160,000,000 estimated visitors each month.
Bing Search Page Link: www.yahoo.com

4. Number 4 on the list is Ask. It is a Question and Answer search engine originally started by the year 1996. The founders are: Garrett Gruener and David Warthen. But the original version was started by Gary Chevsky in accordance to his own depiction. It is called as Ask or AJ or Ask Jeeves in UK in possession of InterActiveCorp with NASDAQ symbol of IACI. In 2010, Ask faced an impossible competition with Google. So the company obtained the technology for web searching to unknown, third party then reverted to the original basis as a Question and Answer website. Ask has 125,000,000 estimated visitors each month.
Bing Search Page Link: https://www.ask.com/

5. Last on the list is AOL or better known as America Online based on 770 Broadway in New York. It is known for its online software suite (a collection of application and programming software or computer programs). They allow their customers to have a contact with the world’s largest walled garden community thus completely reach out to the internet world. AOL was founded in 1983 as Control Video Corporation and by the year 1991 as America Online in Vienna Virginia then on 2006 as AOL. Ask has 33,000,000 estimated visitors each month.
Bing Search Page Link: www.aol.com
I am surprised to see the rankings above, because for the past years I never really used other search engines aside from Google. Yes, I am one of those 900 million people who keep visiting the site every month. But on my personal assessment, there is no downside for the above search engines. They all have great distinctive features that put them on the top of the list. Generally, integrating the top 5 most popular search engines will surely indulge its users to a delectable all-inclusive meal. What is something to look forward to? A lot! Google added several features that can maximize the efficiency of searching in Google. Some of the new features are: Top results biasing in which a certain section of the site is laced at the top of each search result; Query auto completions (this is my favorite) means as you type your query, an optional query appears on the top as a suggestion; Structured Searches, Custom Data Rendering, Synonyms, Licensing Change, Enhanced index coverage that index contents or the pages within a site; Increased-on-demand indexing quota and a lot more will come your way. Bing finds and arranges all the answers you need while Yahoo added more applications that you can use.
Comparing the top 5 search engines is a total wastage of time, as you can use all alternatively. So give yourself a whirl and try the exciting features of all this.