The best way to show case the product of any firm, company, institute, organization or a business is publishing a website so that more no of people get to know about your product. Anything on the Internet goes viral. It is the best option to create a good, attractive website if you are a start-up company and waiting for more clients. First spend on website. From hiring a designer to web hosting it, there may be lot of investments included in this process. It may even sometimes cost millions of dollars to get whatever you expect and wish for your organization. So, it is necessary for you as a marketer to understand the requirement of the resources and the budget line and then spend accordingly.

Yes, there are some sites and templates which provide free services or for low cost if you are a start-up and can’t spend millions of dollars. But, their services also will be cheaper. Your website won’t be reliable, secure, attractive, interactive, etc. If you want certain services and then you also need to put money. If you don’t spend and put much effort on your website, there will be fewer clients for your product. Because website is the face of your services. So don’t compromise on such aspects.
Actually resources such as platform to build a website, and functionalities such as security, interaction, attractive, which includes some plug-ins and themes, hiring a web developer, and then finally web hosting it will be included in the investment on a website. These are the major factors that actually cost you more on your website. If you can’t spend millions on your site and have a budget line, then it is also possible to cut your costs without sacrificing the quality of the website. Here we check out some of such tricks and ways.

The Design Phase
Basically it is you who decide the final design of the website. So, designer may show you some of the basic design layouts for you to choose among them. But yes the more no of websites you work on to select the design, the more he costs you. The best way to reduce cost here is requirements specifications. You first have a layout in your mind with the exact requirements such as login page, contact page, etc. and then let him design the layout for you. This will cost you less as there is no checking of many website designs.
Yes, if you chose the first way of selecting a design among many, it will lead you to better design ideas. But along with that you need to involve more money.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Usually, after selecting a design, web designer is asked to go through a traditional process of developing a website, i.e., creating the hand by hand code from the scratch. This is time consuming and also the cost. It is the best practice to allow your designer to work smarter by using some platforms and designing tools such as WordPress, Drupal, etc.