Scriptomatic – The Tool for WMI Scripting Solutions
Scriptomatic is an easy to use HTA (HTMA Application) capable of handling all the basic functions of WMI script writing with flexibility to address different scripting languages and ability to produce a variety of output formats.
This tool can write scripts in Perl, Python and Jscript in addition to VB Script and save the data as plain-text or a standalone web page, or an XML. Its powerful tools can handle arrays and convert the scripted data into more readable formats. The scripts thus created can be read on multiple machines. Repetitive tasks can be automated by this application. Difficulty levels in using WMI are drastically lowered and new script can instantaneously be generated from a set of existing basic scripts through scriptomatic.
Besides, the scripts transforms into a tool to convey reports on the present DSAccess configuration leading to enhanced levels of functionality, reliability and performance. Scripts can also be utilized to manage Active Directory. Consistent patterns in the system are studied and analyzed. If a script is written which can delete a user account, it will not write a script that deletes a publisher printer. But if the patterns and principles are understood, a script capable of deleting publisher printer also can be generated.

Using scriptomatic tool makes the complex functions in scripting look simple and easy to handle. The power of WMI, so far, is left unutilized for want of a proper tool without which the user is lost in a maze of numerous methods, cryptic nomenclatures and its virtual system information. This program functions as an HTML application. After finishing loading, the output format can be chosen as plain-text, HTML, Excel or XML by just a click of a radio button. Saving a script has to be done before generating a new script. Since scriptomatic reuses the temp files for storing the script, execution of a new script may result in over writing of the data from the old files. Working on scriptomatic can be terminated by clicking on ‘quit’ button or by just closing the console window. Scriptomatic deletes its temp files in the process of exiting if ‘quit’ button is clicked. If the console window is closed the temp files remain intact and are not deleted. In scripting scenario these little options have a tremendous use in application. The complexity in WMI scripting and its sharing of environment -independent management information are thus simplified by this tool.

The other distinct feature of scriptomatic is its ability to generate a code that can run with equal efficiency on a local computer, a remote computer or even a cluster of remote computers depending on the choice of the user and the selection from the ‘Target Computer’ menu itself on the tool. The code can be directly executed from the tool. For all these reasons and more scriptomatic is considered a magic tool for all WMI scripting functions in particular and in general a boon offering solutions for a number of scripting tasks.