Following are the best data analysing software’s which will definitely reduce your work load.
1. Dataiku DSS is a different kind of software; it is collaborative data science software that enables a team to build, make them explore; they can deliver their own products in an efficient way. It allows the use of languages like SQL, through which visualising the data becomes easy. It is a multi-technology platform which ensures that the processed ones are based on paper and manual are easily streamlined i.e. workflow automation is handled effectively, analyses the past results so as to improve the future results or we could say it has the capability to create predictive web services, and many more functions.

2. Weka is a collection of best data analysing tools. It is a bundle of machine learning algorithms written using Java language, best suited for data mining tasks and much more like clustering, classification, regression, etc. The best thing about Weka Software is that it provides the graphical user interface (GUI) for easy access. Techniques of Weka are predicated as per the assumption that data is available in the form of single flat file, in which each and every data point is elaborated by a fixed number of attributes.

3. Gephi is open-source software that allows exploration and free visualisation for all kinds of graphs as well as networks. It can be easily downloaded on windows, Linux, Mac OS x. It’s best for link analysis, social network analysis, and much more exciting applications. The latest version is Gephi 0.9.1and free to download.
4. ELKI expands to Environment for DeveLoping KDD- Applications Supported by Index-Structures (organised way of storage). It was created for teaching and research by Prof. Hans-Peter Kriegel at Germany University. It was awarded as the best data analysing software for version 0.4, this software is considered as the best one for precise data analysing.

5. SciLab doesn’t confuse it with science laboratory actually it is an open source, cross-platform. It is a complete package of numerical computation and written in C, C++, FORTRAN, Java which are high level numerically oriented programming languages. It provides signal processing, statistical analysis, image enhancement and many more exciting features.

6. KNIME i.e. the Konstanz Information Miner, it includes number of components for machine learning as well as for data mining, its best feature is its modular data pipelining concept. It is considered to be one among the top 10 best software’s because its graphical user interface (GUI) allows easy assembling of nodes for pre-processing of data, Extraction transformation loading, for data analysis, it is considered to be a good choice. It allows the user to select their own steps in analysis of data, visualisation, and inspect the result.

7. ROOT is based on C++, so you can think of it as object oriented program developed by CERN. Mainly it was designed for particle physics analysis, but after certain changes, it is now used for data analysis and data mining.

8. OpenRefine and it’s another name is Google refine, is the only desktop open source. It is used for data cleaning, transformation of data in the required formats. You can also see it as a relational database as it can work with spreadsheets formats. Like in the spreadsheet we use a formula which is stored in cells but in this software nothing like this happen formula are only used for the transformation of formats.

9. Datamelt well as the name says it all, it melts the data and create space, basically what is do is clean the messy data and make space for more data to store. It is interactive data analysis software essentially used for numeric computations. It has no limitations can be used with several scripting languages like JScript, PHP and more.

10. Fusion Tables or Google Fusion tables is another very useful web service which is provided by Google for proper management of data. As the name suggest, data are stored in multiple tables so that users can download easily. It can also be used for gathering, visualising and sharing of data tables over the internet. Currently, the size of data which can be uploaded is 250 MB per use.