The software is the treasurer and the soul of a computer, while technology is a very vital part of our lives. A human being cannot imagine a day without Smartphones, tablets, etc. As food is essential for living, technology has become a mandatory part of all humans. So how can software remain aside?

Technically, software is an integral part not only in the professional life but personal life as well. The software is responsible for running the treasury of the computer. It is responsible for converting the information into readable code. A computer is not considered as an electronic device without the software. The software and hardware constitute the computing system together. The physical components have no significance without the software. It is the connecting cord between the user and the computer and it helps to communicate with the hardware and acts as a helping hand when performing tasks.
The operating system is the root of the software; without it, the software could not stand and interact with any device. It is the software program that enables the computer hardware to coordinate with the software. Therefore, the software acts as the soul of the computer. Similarly, operating system is the heart of software. There are mainly two types of software, which include System Software and Application Software. There are also types of software that cause harm to the computer such as the Malicious Software.
There are many types of operating systems and the most common are, the Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 7. But the list doesn’t take a halt here. There are a lot more like the Apple Mac OSX, which is also quite popular.
A computing device gets instructions through software, and the computer works in a very pacified and ordered manner. Computer software comprises of computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop, MS Office, etc.

The commands given to the device are generally in a coded language. For example; at the lowest level code consists of a machine language specific to a component like the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Machine language includes binary values, which order the processor to alter the state of the computer. Binary language is the basic language of a computer. Some software is written in a complex programming language that is simpler for programmers. When human beings first interacted with the software, they never thought that it would be a mind -blowing discovery, which will change the lives and perceptions of people in one go. It would be breathtaking to see how the history of software had printed the mark on all the upcoming software industries.
Earlier people used to rely on International Business Machines Corporation which is an American multinational technology for all the computer programs. In 1980, IBM started to depend on others like Microsoft, etc. for PC codes and sells the programs and documentations to all the fellow human beings.
But the situation has changed over the last 20 years. People have opened the windows of their minds and started downloading new versions for their gadgets. They don’t make expenses on it.

Marc Andreessen, an American entrepreneur and software engineer, once anticipated that software would eat up the world. His prediction turned out right. The software is eating the world. Most of the today’s technology leaders, like the Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. are growing fast-paced because of the software. These companies cannot visualize themselves without the software.
The competition takes place in every sector. It is assumed that competitions are very healthy and may provide an increment to the growth and development of the economy. There is an atmosphere of competition due to superior software.
Software battles also take place among tech titans and help us to gain experiences like online shopping (Amazon), search engines (Google), and traveling (clear trip).
So is it true that people can become wealthy by making software? Not really, they need to do something extraordinary for people who pay. Facebook and Google have not been prospered only because of selling software, but due to their constant improvisation of codes.
The software also plays an important role in digitalization; it helps in acquiring digital experience. The software has become very crucial for commercial digital services.
Every coin has two sides. Similarly, with the evolving technology, it would be difficult to tell the future of the software. With services like cloud computing, the shine of software is slowly losing. People now don’t need to download software to their computers; they can run programs directly from the cloud with minimal installation.
But there is no doubt that software has made the lives of people easier and tedious. There are so many things that can happen in the future. Technology is evolving and taking leaps day-by-day. So it would be interesting to watch what will be its future outcomes.