Basics of Sql
The Select Command:
You can display all the column of a table, for example, to display all eight columns of EMP, enter. Entering all the column names for large table would be time consuming. ![]() After entering this command Dba can see all the record in Employee table like above. SQL> Select * from Emp; |
Selecting Specific COLUMNS from a TABLE:
You can display specify column name form this command. ![]() SQL> SELECT empno, ename, job, sal FROM Emp; Select command with WHERE CLAUSE. ![]() To see the specific job person through WHERE CLAUSE in department. SQL> SELECT * FROM Dept WHERE DNAME = ‘SALES’; To list all information about employees in department 30, enter: ![]() To list all information about employees in Department 30, enter; SQL> select * from emp where deptno=30; |
Arithmetic Expression :
Select and WHERE CLAUSE command Working with + operator. To calculate the Net Salary with Plus (+) operator. Although SAL+ 15 is not the column in the EMP table, SQL displays the calculate result as if it were. ![]() SQL> SELECT empno, ename, Job, SAL, SAL + 15 FROM Emp; |
Expression with several Operators:
To calculate annual compensation for all salespeople, enter; ![]() SQL> select ename,sal,comm, 12*(sal+comm) from emp where job=’SALESMAN’; |
To list the name and Departments of all the Employees who are Manager, Enter
![]() SQL> SELECT Ename, job, deptno From Emp WHERE JOB = ‘Manager’; |
Inserting Rows into a Table:
Add the new row (Value) in emp table through this command.
SQL> INSERT into Emp Values (8000, ‘Jack’, ‘ Manager’, 8700, ‘7-DEC-09’, 1000, NULL, 30); |
Update Rows in a Table:
See the last record MILLER is updated through this command. SQL> Update Emp set MGR=7781, Deptno=20 where Ename = ‘MILLER’; |
Preventing the Selection of DUPLICATE Rows.
To list all the jobs in the table EMP, enter: ![]() This displays a list of all the jobs, but some job types are listed more than once. To eliminate the duplicate rows in the result, include DISINCT clause in the SELECT command: ![]() To list the distinct jobs in EMP, enter: SQL> select distinct job from emp; |
Creating and using Column ALIASES:
To change the headings of the DNAME column, enter: ![]() SQL> select dname DEPARTMENT, deptno from dept; The alias defined by the SELECT command. SQL> Select department, deptno from dept; It will produce the same result. |
Specifying a Condition:
To compare a column to a constant value, include a condition in your WHERE clause. ![]() To find all department names with department numbers greater than 20, enter; SQL> select dname, deptno from dept where deptno > 20; You can compare a column with another column in the same row as well as with a constant value, For example to find the employees whose commission their salary, enter; ![]() SQL> select ename, sal, comm from emp where comm>sal; |
Compound Logical Expression with AND:
![]() To find the all sales people in Department 30 whose salary is greater than or equal to $1,500, enter: SQL> Select ename, sal, deptno from emp where job=’SALESMAN’ and deptno=30 and sal>=1500; ![]() To find all employees who either are managers or have a salary greater than $3,000. SQL> Select ename, job, sal from emp where job=’MANAGER’ OR sal>3000; |
Operator Precedence;You can combine AND and OR in the same logical operator expression, when AND and OR appear in the same WHERE clause. ![]() To list information about all the manages, as well as the clerks in Department 10, enter; SQL> Select * from emp where job=’MANAGER’ OR (job=’CLERK’ AND deptno=10); |
Selecting ROWS within a RANGE.
Suppose you want a list of all the Employees who earn between $1200 and $1300. ![]() Selecting Rows within a Range, the between operator lets you select rows in which a column contains a value within a range. SQL> Select ename, job, sal from emp where sal between 1200 and 1300; |
You can modify BETWEEN, like other operators, with NOT BETWEEN means that only rows outside the range with be selected.
![]() Matching a Value in a List (the IN operator lets you select rows that match one of the values in a list) For example. SQL> select ename, job, deptno from emp where sal not between 1200 AND 1400; |
Controlling the Order of Displayed ROW; the Order by Clause.
![]() To list employees and jobs in department 30, in order of their salary. SQL> select sal, job, ename from emp where deptno=30 order by sal; ![]() To list employees and jobs in departments 30 in descending order by salary, enter: SQL> Select sal, job, ename from Emp where Deptno = 30 order by SAL Desc; |