Flying Drones:
In future drones play a crucial role in every aspect. These used in photography, taking passengers from one place to another place, used in the military to save the world, used in medical industries, marketing, sports, policing, weather patterns, rescue. It has the ability of both fly and drives powered by Artificial intelligence. Many of the drones today can fly by remote controller or from smartphone app which can install from Google Play or the Apple Store.

AI allows drones to take decisions by themselves according to the situation. As years are passing away technology is replacing robots in place of humans. Finally, they are making more safety requirements for driverless flying cars which are likely to be more attractive.
3d printing:
3D printing used in several applications to expand in many areas in future like medical industries, parts replacement, and consumer products. These used in rapid manufacturing. Therefore materials improve rapidly, and costs are less, we can imagine today that will become possible.
1. 3D printed makeup for women. Insert their face into the machine which can programme with the exact to apply for them every day.
2. 3D printing in tooth replacement which will print inside the mouth.
3. 3D printing in the spectacles, clothing and designer shoes.
4. 3D printing in the police department for making ”mug shots” generated from person DNA.
5. Printing on plastic objects.
Underwater City:
Recently, a Japanese construction company announced that 25-26 billion dollars for underwater eco-city plan called “Ocean spiral.” Because of the increasing technology needed to build a maintainable life below the ocean.
A group of generators will create energy using variations in seawater temperatures. The city will supply fish farms for food and desalination plant for drinking water. If it is successful, there is a chance of underwater life for humans. As humans can live under water, it is not an easy and cheap life. This site is a nice place to see what wonders food business is doing
1. The first layer of the spiral, which will be a 500-meter sphere.
2. The central part of the spiral is 15km long with rooms for business meetings, apartments, private areas and hotel rooms for more than 5000 people.
3. The bottom layer is about 3000-4000 thousand meters under the sea, where the spiral linked.
Food in a pill:
Scientists are dreaming about creating a mini pill contains synthetic food from chemicals so that we can consume them in the form of a tablet or capsule. Food pill has everything which is necessary for human life. Ways to change the laws of physics, for getting daily nutrition from a capsule or tablet is not possible.
Human needs about 2000 calories each day and a gram of fat. And we still don’t get all the other nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber. Taking a pill for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not good enough to live. People like to eat food because it tastes good, but it don’t.
Virtual/Augmented Reality:
Virtual Reality is early stages, and it will take many years before it becomes mainstream. It creates a 3-dimensional world in future.The important feature of VR is tracking the motion of an object. Game designers and producers are trying to create the killer apps in this trending industry.
1. Theme park rides with VR experiences.
2. Broadcasting of live sports games in Virtual Reality.
3. Full-length VR movies.
4. Physical drone racing with VR headsets.
5. Physical therapy and Psychological therapy do with virtual reality.
6. Virtual reality speed dating sites.
7. In education and training, there are some of the modules in both virtual and augmented reality.
8. VR and AR tours will use in the future real estate.