As the technology is progressing with time, new things are designed to support the ease and comfort of the people. Mobile phones and tablets have become an indispensable tool in everyone’s life. The apps designed for such tools aim in making every need of the individual who employs them stay within the comfort limits. Every day, thousands of new apps enter the technology market. Certain apps which turned out to be nightmares despite many successful counterparts in the market are:-
1 ) Hair Clinic

The Hair Clinic app entered the digital market and guaranteed to provide effective hair loss treatment. The app was designed to achieve this objective by sending high and low pulse frequencies which would, in turn, enhance the circulation of blood around the hair roots. One must just place the phone post opening the app, over one’s head for the app to function. Encouraged to be used for 10 minutes a day over three months, the app creators warned that using it too close to your ears could cause headaches. When the app didn’t give its users a flowing mane, it exited from the app store.
2) Yo

The app ’Yo’ encourages communication by allowing users to message ‘Yo’ and nothing else. Yo is indeed a time saver as it takes eight taps of your finger to send “Yo” by text, but only two taps on the Yo app. Despite its simplicity, it launched with $1 million of investment. And within few days of its entry, the app had a lot of negative reviews and quit the market.
3) I Am Rich

The app charged users $999.99 to download a functionless red gem that sat on the phone’s home screens, and a mantra that reminded the user of how rich one must be so as to afford to download this app. Post a day of its release, Apple knocked the app out of the store. While it was available, eight people bought the app, although 1 of them claimed to have done it accidentally, making the developer a total of $5,600.
4) Girls Around Me

The ‘Girls Around Me’ app used the Foursquare app to locate local girls and then accessed their public Facebook profiles to create the perfect stalking tool. Displaying thumbnail images of girls in an area, men could click the pop-up to find out the girl’s personal information and see any photo connected to their Facebook account. But the women involved didn’t know that they were appearing in the app, or that their information was out for display to nearby strangers. Foursquare blocked its role in the app, but the creator defended its stalking app claiming its purpose was to avoid ‘ugly’ girls.
5) Jew or not Jew app

This application allowed users to find out whether some of the commonest figures in our day to day life ranging from celebs to sportspersons, were possessing Jewish characteristics or not. Based on a person’s match with Jewish personality traits, the app revealed a score out of 15. Although available in numerous countries, the app violated France’s strict post-holocaust laws, banning the compiling of people’s personal details, such as religion and race, without their consent. The app led French anti-racism groups to file suits against Apple. It went out of the app store within a short time.
6) Blower

The “blower” app entered with an objective to clean the air and dust particles, once switched on. Upon its release, it gained huge download figures. But once, people turned on the app, all they could see was an interface, where there were level adjustment tools such as a speedometer. And once the user switches on the blower icon, all one could visualize was only an annoying sound and nothing got cleaned up or removed as an effect of the app. Within a couple of days, the app opened to negative reviews and many people uninstalled it and termed it as a pure waste, and it exited the app market.
7) Stapler

This app was yet another disaster upon release. People started downloading this app with the perspective of reducing the cost of buying staplers, as the office stationeries were too over-priced out there. Thus the app had a huge number of downloads on the opening day of its release. And, to the shock of the users, the app featured a stapler, and when the users clicked on the stapler, all it gave was just the sound of a stapler in execution! There wasn’t any real time effect of installing the app causing the frustration among the downloaders. And the app suffered huge uninstallations in the next few days and ended up being a disaster.
8) Taxi Flasher

Taxi flasher app came in with a description of signalling people the presence of taxis around. The app featured first in the Apple store. And there were many downloads from the office goers who would be the best beneficiaries by installing such a purpose serving app. And, post installation, once the users opened the app, all they could find were just the words “TAXI” and “FLASHER” repeatedly signaled under yellow and black lightings! It was an “oops!” moment for the downloaders and the app thrashed away from the app store within the next few days.
9)Air Horn

The air horn was one among the apps that suffered a quick exit from the market upon its release. The app featured nothing, but just a horn symbol which horned out when pressed. What would one do with such an app? The app came in with a description as a life saver under lost situations, but who on earth would hear/ mind where a horn sound would arise in a world where there are helplines and call facilities!
10)Is it dark outside?

Is it dark outside is an app which tells you whether it is dark outside by tracing the climate and weather post tracking your phone’s Global Positioning System. Once the app is launched, and you flung the phone outside your app, and the app returns yes or no! Quite hilarious, right? No wonder that the app thrashed out within hours of its release and also had a mention on the Ellen DeGeneres’ show as one among the worst apps!
The ten apps, depicted above, in no particular order, were some of the nightmare apps ever introduced! Kindly be cautious if you are about to download one among the ones mentioned above!