1. Boderlands 2:
It is an improved version of its predecessor. It still consists of 4 player co-op with tongue in cheek player that look hilarious, but with version 2 Gearbox has made the game even bigger. It is very much known for the different type of guns. The player starts out in the land as one among the four playable characters having different skills sets and play style. If you are fond of automatic weapons, then you can choose Axton. Surprise your enemy by picking zero and play from a distance. The story remains the same as borderland, but you have to learn how to wade through the sandbox.
2. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty:
It had been a big hit since release in 1998, and its part II has carried the same tradition when released in 2010. In this game, you can take control of 3 separate factions-Protoss, Zerg, and Terrain. If you like micromanaging and juggling the various responsibilities, then you will like to play StarCraft II. You have to keep an eye on your resources, available units and enemies’ whereabouts are the keys to getting fighting chance for any match.

3. Portal 2:
In this game, you play as protagonist Chell, who tries to break out the big Aperture research facility and get herself free. You will just have an iconic portal gun and perform the task by working through different unique puzzles outfitted in various rooms. It has various objects, an environment that you will use to advance through the facility. It has featured Actor Stephen Merchant, and J.K Simmons has voice recurring characters whose work is spot-on in the game.it provides you one of the best and unique gaming experience that has a serious conflict with well-timed comedy.

4. Limbo:
This game is much like traditional 2-D platforms games where the boy runs left and right, climb the ladder and small bridges, jumps, pulls and pushes various items. In this, you play as a small young boy who rouse from sleep in the forest situated along the boundaries of hell or limbo. The storyline of the games centers around the boy navigating through different puzzles and threats while searching for boy’s missing sister.it also has the harrowing soundtrack and eerier artwork.

5. Batman: Arkham City game of the year edition:
It features impressive combat system that led to its success. It comprises of the most addicted Riddler challenges and cinematic boss battles faced by the Batman to win over the villain mainstay like two-face, or freeze and Joker.

6. Rayman origins:
It takes you back to the classic 2-d side scrolls with the zappy co-op actions and level designed cleverly. It has impressive hand-drawn backgrounds that give every level an incredible life as you jump, swim, slide and glide yourself or up to three friends. It is not new gaming experience, but origins take a fresh take on the titular characters.

7. Gone home:
It is one of the rare games that thrusts the player just to explore, and has no puzzle and no enemies. Its outcome depends upon how much you explore. In this game, you play as a college student who is returning home from a year abroad, and when you arrive at your family estate, no one is there. The player scavenges the whole house for any clues about whereabouts of their family. You enjoy the complete control to find these clues and to bring them together.

8. Minecraft:
In this game, you are armed with nothing just a block-persons hand in the start of the game. Freedom is there over this randomized map. It is so simple and addictive. It is a game of building towering skyscrapers and labyrinth-style mine shafts in few minutes. It has 8-bit graphics and pixelated.

9. Kerbal space program:
It has an odd set of characters.it has cartoonish graphics, minion-rescue characters and goofy that populate the entire game. It is a playground for both serious physicists determining how many kerbals die before you final reach the moon and also for casual gamers. It gives both education and fun element. Countless hours can be spent on building a rocket capable of reaching home.

10. XCOMS 2:
It has improved on every aspect of its predecessor. But the difficult remains high. It gives many opportunities to play the game in your style. With version 2 the planning of counters is more important as the new stealth mechanic flashes firefights into guerrilla ambushes.It gives a true sense of desperation, that usual you see as your soldier grow or die.