When you have done your schooling and on the verge of taking admission in college you must be prepared for all the things that you had not done in your life till now. You are going to face many new challenges in your college life that you haven’t face yet. Especially, if you are going to take hostels, for a newcomer the hostel life is the most challenging thing for the one who never left his home.
From food to bed everything seems to be completely changed for a new student. The sound making beds and the weird desks will welcome you and this will make your life very challenging. You must be well prepared to face all this; your preparation to survive in the hostel requires few gadgets that will help you to go through this in a little easier way. Here is the list-
USB Lamp
The first and foremost thing you are going to face is that you don’t have your private room. You must have to share your space with another student. You might not have to keep the lights ON for late night. If you want to be friendly with your roommate then it would be good for you to turn OFF the lights by the bedtime. However, for those days in which you need study late night or if you have projects or assignment you must have USB lamp which lights up your corner of the room without disturbing your roommates.
Power Bank
In a hostel room you have nothing much to do, you will spend most of your time chatting with friends, texting them or calling them through your mobile phone, sometimes during this you will also check your social media accounts and many other kinds of stuff, you will also watch movies or shows on mobile phone, so you always want your mobile phone to be charged. To overcome the chances of discharged phone you must have a power bank so that you don’t have to stick near the plug all the time, you can charge your phone in any corner of the room.
If you are tea-lover then this is the must-have thing for you. In hostel life, most of the students have a very common problem, the hostel food, so they always try to find an alternative; and the best alternative is Maggi which you can easily make in an electric kettle. If you have an electric kettle, it can bring you tea even at late nights during exams. Not only tea, it is a multi-purpose electronic gadget which can perform many tasks for you like boiling eggs. You don’t have to control your hunger when the canteen is closed.
Multi-plug Adaptor
In hostels, there will never be more than one socket in a room and that also between 2 or 3 students. You are very lucky if you one socket for each student in a room but that is also not enough as you have more than one to charge; so you must have a multi-plug adaptor to charge more than one gadget at a time. Using a multi-plug adaptor you can charge your laptop and your phone simultaneously and can also run your kettle at the same time if needed.
Good Pair Of Headphones Or Earphones
In a hostel, there will never be a moment of silence around you. Someone playing guitar, shouting, screaming all such sounds will never let you be alone. So to block or avoid all such unwanted noises all you need is a good pair of headphones or earphones. You can also use this when you are completing your assignments and project to avoid disturbances caused by the outside noises.