The Quantum Information Technology is a method that deals with computers by using quantum physics or also known as the Quantum Computing. The Quantum Information Theory is a study of how to amalgamate the quantum mechanics to information theory, by learning how the information can be stored in a quantum mechanical system. The Quantum Information Technology is one of the best, tested, and accurate scientific theory. It deals with computers through quantum physics. Hence, it is being called as Quantum Computing.
What is Quantum Entanglement?
The Quantum Entanglement is a physical occurrence that happens when particles are created or connect in ways like when the quantum state of every particle cannot be illustrated alone, even when a long distance separates them, instead, the quantum state must be recounted as a whole for the system.
What is Quantum Computing?
Quantum Computing is a study about hypothetical computation systems such as quantum computers, which uses quantum-mechanical occurrence like entanglement and superposition, to perform data operations.
It is a machine that performs all the calculations, which is based on the laws such as quantum mechanics. The following are the quantum physics concepts of that are being used in Quantum Computing:
- Superposition: is the quantum theory’s principle. This principle affirms that while we are unaware of the state of a particular object, it is actually in all feasible states concurrently.
- Interference: is an occurrence wherein two waves superpose by each other to create a resultant wave of considerable or paltry amplitude.
- Coherence: is an attribute of waves that allows stationary interference.
- Entanglement: is being utilized in quantum theory to illustrate how the particles of matter can become associated to communicate with each other inevitably regardless of their distance.
What is Quantum Cryptography?
The Quantum Cryptography is a process of transmitting information to the intended recipients who had given full access even when others interrupted the message. It is the easiest way to solve the problem of key distribution. Quantum Cryptography also secured Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard’s key distribution method or also known as the BB84.
What is a Qubit?
Quantum Information’s smallest unit is called Qubit. It is not the same as the classical digital states, which are discrete; it is continuous-valued, which can be described by Bloch Sphere’s direction. Qubits can be modified by applying quantum gates or linear transformations to change their state.
What is Quantum Gate?
In Quantum Computing, the Quantum Gate is a fundamental quantum circuit that works on a minimal number of Qubits. While the classical logic gates are for ordinary digital circuits, the Quantum Gate is a component of the quantum circuits.