It is indeed that education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world. The only difference between a successful and an unsuccessful person is education. Today if we see the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic if, in such situations, if we do not have computer-based education then the student will not able to be educated. As, all the schools and colleges have been shut down due to COVID-19 and the education is been continuing online we can say that computer-based education is a boon to students. Also, it is not limited to syllabus and classroom; it is much more than that.
Advantages Of Computer-Based Education
1.It is the most simplified and interactive way of gaining knowledge
2.Not limited to the syllabus.
3.Makes learning simplified and motivates students.
4.It is a combination of video, audio, and text.
Methods Of Computer-Assisted Education
Smart Classes
By the use of smart classes’ interaction, process of explanation, and transfer of knowledge become attractive and interactive. It involves using photographs, maps, audio, and graphics along with the teaching process. The use of smart classes will also increase the participation of students in class.
It is the most popular app which is used to conduct meetings and take classes. The pandemic creates havoc in the whole world; this app provides a platform, and support to all. This type of app is the need of the hour. This app proves that there are no boundaries for education and that’s why computer-assisted technologies are booming.
Online Courses
Today, in this modern era where competition is increasing daily, it is essential for people to learn new skills continuously. Having different skills and knowledge along and a degree is a must in the present time.
Computer-Assisted Learning Assessment Tools
Multiple-Choice Questions
Computer-based education provides us with a series of multiple-choice questions to enhance our learning process. These questions designed to assess a student’s understanding of things they have taught.
Fill In The Gaps
In this type of question, the students have to fill an answer in the space or gap provided. In some questions, suitable words are also given to the students. These questions designed to test whether a student can remember what he read or not.
Crossword Puzzles
These puzzles specially designed in a manner that supports learning while playing. Students take it as an exciting game. This, besides being a game, supports learning of different concept, words, and spellings. Crossword puzzle also focuses on improving the vocabulary of students.
Listening Exercise
In this exercise, the question is asked from the listener or student and the person who is listening, has to pick correct answer from the given options. This enhances the listening skill of a person. In addition to that this improves the language. These exercises are set in a way that students will gain more and more knowledge.
Does Computer-Based Education Replace The Teacher?
It is the concern of many people that computer-based education will replace teachers and increases the unemployment as, after the introduction of computer based education the students will study and learn from computer. But this statement is not valid. Computer-based education is only a means to assist teachers in teaching and providing additional knowledge to students. Like in this pandemic, various apps such as ZOOM, G-meet help teachers to take online classes; similarly, computer-based education will give support to the teacher.
In the upcoming time, computer-based education will play an essential role in the education system. It will provide more and more knowledge to a student. Moreover, it will not only give knowledge related to subject and course like teachers but, also, help in learning different languages, skills, and many more things. It is not limited to a particular boundary; instead, it is a hub of knowledge.