A smart home is where two physical devices interconnected to each other by remote controllers. A smart home technology called as Home automation, which provides security, comfort, and energy efficiency by allowing a smartphone. The smart home hub is a device which acts as central part of the smart home and can sense data with wireless communication.
IOT (Internet of things) plays a crucial role in smart home technology. These devices share user’s data between two devices. Raspberry Pi is the technology we use for building a smart home. Nowadays, we use technologies like Zigbee and Z-wave for protocol communication in building a smart home.
– Smart TVs, connected to the internet to access any apps like music and videos.It includes voice and face recognition.
– The smart lighting system, can detect the people in the room and adjust the light.
– Smart Lock, can detect the face and unlocks the door for them.
– A smart security camera can monitor their home when they are away.
Some of the smart home technologies going to happen in future:
1. Automated robot:
Automated robot devices like Irobots used a lot in the smart home for cleaning the floor, serving food and drinks to guests, picking up the dirt and others. A sensor system placed on the human’s arm, therefore it can control by embedding touchscreen and also answers the voice commands given by a human.
2. Smart Appliances:
Nowadays, every product in the market is becoming smarter. In the market, we can purchase refrigerators, washing machines and other devices with enabled with touchscreen displays. This will make more convenient and human lives easier. For example, imagine a washing machine washed the clothes and dried it for you when you got into the washing room- ordered by a human through the phone.

3. Smart Lighting controls:
Turning on and off the lights is by using a smartphone or automated system. It will check the people in the room and according to that light will maintain its brightness. It also has the sensor like, if anyone enters the room light will be on.
4.Smart Toilets:
In Japan, it will analysis the person’s urine and informs whether they have diabetics or not. One of the main use of the smart toilet is keeping us healthy. Toilets can able to tell whether the women are pregnant or not by analyzing urine. It has the facility of touchscreen display for music play, automates open and covers, toilet seat, foot warmers and others.

5. Smart cameras:
It has the capability of detecting the face; if someone stands near the door, it will scan the face and opens the door. It also can, if the homeowners are around the door automatically it unlocks the door.
6. Smart water tanker:
It Checks the level of water if the water is full the motor turned off automatically and sent a text message to the owner. It can sense how much distance and time required to fill the tanker; they use Raspberry Pi technology in building smart water tanker.