Tips on Making Blogs Better
Blogging is one of the rapidly growing types of writing as it catches more responsive audience than article writing does. Following are some of the tips on making better blogs:
1. Select a Topic You Want to Read
The very first element of writing a better blog is to select such a topic that creates interest. Consider yourself as an audience and think of what you really want. This will help you select a great topic.
2. Do Proper Research
The next phase of better blog writing is to conduct proper research not only on the topic but also on the readers so that you can have a better understanding you’re on your topic as well as your audience.
3. Make a Catchy Title
The title should be created by keeping in mind the needs and wants of your audience. Use simple but catchy words to make your title look better. The title is considered to be the base of your article so it’ll be good enough if you use phrases in it.
4. Start Writing What You Want to Say
The best thing is to write what your inner self or heart want to say. In other words, the voice of your own will attract more audience.
5. Stick to Your Theme
Your title and content act as the major theme of your blog, so it is best to stay with your theme.
6. Write a How-To Guide
According to a recent survey, how-to blog/articles are more celebrated than the ordinary content writing.
7. Identify and Target Your Goals
Every creation of blog revolves around certain goals. So, you should identify and keep on targeting your goals.
8. Employ a ‘Call to Action’ / Copywriting Style
One of the widely popular techniques to make your blog better hit is to employ copywriting tactics in it. This way, you can easily capture a large number of audiences.
9. Make Trust-Building
Although, it is a pretty tough job to build trust, yet it is one of the best practices to make better blogs.
10. Stay Original, Conversional and Authentic
The incorporation of these elements into your writing will surely make your blog much better.
11. Play with words and Deliver Your Best
It has been noticed that mostly the professional bloggers play with words and try to come up with the best of their efforts. Perhaps this is the possible reason for their ultimate success. You should also do the same thing.
12. Use Heading, Subheadings and Pointers
The utilization of heading, subheadings and pointers enhances impact of your blog.
13. Use Perfect Grammar
The use of perfect grammar with no verb confusions or spell errors is a must for better blogging.
14. Organize Your Blog Post
Organization of your blog post is yet another important element that rates your composition. So, try to organize it well so that it comes up in proper shape.
15. Highlight Important Words, Phrases and Terms
Make significant words, phrases and terms bold, bold underlined and italic, as it creates ease for the readers and they can easily digest your composition.
16. Use Short Sentences and Paragraphs
The usage of short sentences and paragraphs brings clarity and easiness in your writing and your blog looks better.
17. Insert Images
Another best practice that is getting more common these days is the use of images into the blogs. So, try using more images and fewer words and leave the rest on your audience.
18. Ask Questions
As we know that blogging is all about gossip or conversational style, so it’ll be great if you use good questions into your blog.
19. Keep on Updating your Blog Post
In order to keep your ideas alive, you must keep on updating your blog posts with regular intervals.
20. Ask and Respond to Comments
Once your post gets completed, you must ask your readers for comments and on the arrival of comments, you must always respond gently. It will let you know your worth.

After the completion of your blog post, you must refer to this checklist:
Dos of Better Blogging
- Keep on monitoring your as well as others blogs. It will let you know your weaknesses and others’ strengths
- Use simple language and short words
- Your blog should not be lengthy
- Be patient and listen to the criticism
- Stay unique, natural and relevant
- Do read again and again before submitting
- Do check your blog post for plagiarism and spell errors
DON’Ts of Better Blogging
- Avoid using unnecessary words
- Do not get hyper
- Do not forget to go for the demo- and –psychographics of your audience. It will let you know their needs and wants
- Do not get bookish
- Avoid inaccuracies
- Do not use long sentences and paragraphs