1. Most AI is Female

We experience that most of the AI whether it’s Google or Apple everyone uses a female voice as AI. In a scientifically investigate people researched why most AI have female voices, and they concluded that most of the engineers are males, so they find the female, more enchanting. They are more attracted to a female, so most of their voice is feminine.
2. AI Pets

A pet is the most amazing thing ever, but they are some cons of this. You need to take care of them, clean they feed them and many other things, but with AI pets you don’t have to do any such thing, and with the people favoring them it solves the problem.
3. AI can repair itself

It is the scariest thing that one can experience; a robot can mend itself when it feels that its performance is affected or lowered down. So, by its algorithm, it heals itself and makes its ready to work again. It lasts for some moments, and in that time they undergo many different movements.
4. AI can write

An AI robot is made in such way that they can mark effortlessly on paper, or they can also type through a keyboard without making any mistake. It guarantee’s 100% accuracy, and with this technology, they also improvise from their mistakes.
5. AI can be fierce Poker player

Well in a recent challenge, AI can beat players and stood fourth in the game after it lasted for about two weeks and more than 75,000 hands happened in that sport. They know how to cleverly last throughout the amusement.
6. Romance with AI

With the era changing, we can soon find AI handling the emotional aspect of a relationship, the machines are built with such algorithm, and they find it easier to handle and manage.
7. AI can learn

AI is the most amazing thing ever, this machine is not only designed to perform a particular task or to handle large sums, but they can also learn through the procedure they follow to complete a meticulous job. Their algorithm helps them to improvise every time.
8. AI will become faster than humans

The machines designed by humans and the algorithm on which it works effortlessly very quick, and soon they turn into much quicker than what person premeditated them. If the robots soon overtake human being, it won’t be a bigger surprise to us.
9. Nautilus

Nautilus is a supercomputer that exists in this world. It just predicted the location of the area that was 125 m distant from the exact location of his hideout. The computer was fed articles from 1945 to present, and it was able to devise information from all the articles.
10. AI a threat to humans

With such great potential and power AI can soon take over the world and will be a bigger threat to a person when they acquire maximum or infinite power. Many scientists claim that it will be a problem in future.