Even if we have a lot of money a lot of luxurious things, being healthy is very necessary to have a happy life. We can draw a beautiful picture only if we have a paper to draw. Like that we can live a happy life only if our body is healthy. Nowadays there are various new diseases are spreading. Scientists are trying to find cure form them. In this kind of situations being healthy is quite risky. The biotechnology sector has a lot of innovative inventions which can provide a best solution for our health problems. Here are the top 10.
10. 3D Printed Cortex
The 3D printed Cortex helps to heal the fractured bones quickly band easily. It provides trauma zone localized support system that is fully ventilated, light, shower friendly, hygienic, recyclable, and stylish. It will utilize the x-ray and 3d scan with a fracture and generates a 3d model in relation to the point of fracture. It will look like a honey comb, makes easy to face itchy situations.

9. Silicone Prosthesis
Technology has improved a lot. With the help of technology we can create artificial fingers and hand which exactly look like a humans hand. It can be constructed by various techniques. The fingers must be made with good-quality silicones, which allow optimal reproduction of skin tone by means of extrinsic pigmentation, drawings of wrinkles, and the characterization of fingernails in acrylic resin. Silicone technique has higher esthetics, function and affordable.

8. Precision Medicine
The proverb Prevention is better than cure is a true one. Some researchers developed this proverb into a model. They invented the precision medicine which uses the details about a person’s own genes or proteins to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases. It helps doctors to select treatment methods based on the genetic understanding about the disease and create a suitable treatment plan for their patients.

7. Bio Fuel
Biodiesel is produced from renewable sources like new and used vegetable oils and animal fats and is a replacement for petroleum-based diesel fuel. Biodiesel is nontoxic and biodegradable. It is produced by combining alcohol with vegetable oil, animal fat, or recycled cooking grease. There are three types available in bio fuel. 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels. They are categorized by the source of biomass, their limitations as a renewable source of energy, and their technological progress.

6. 3D Bio Printing
Three dimensional bio printing is the done by 3D printing like techniques to combine cells, growth factors, and biomaterials to fabricate biomedical parts like heart. This technology is mainly used for connection with drug research and also as cell scaffolds to repair damaged joints. This technology is used since 2007. But there are some risks like teratoma, dislodgement and migrations of implant.

5. Bionic Eyes
Pixium Vision from France has created an IRIS system in which an intraocular plant is placed in to the eye by surgery and attached to the retinal surface. The patient will wear the pair of spectacles with integrated mini camera and wireless transmitter. These pair of spectacles will be connected to a small computer. This computer will process the image captured by the camera into a signal and transfer back through the glasses and projected on the retinal in plant placed on the eye to stimulate optical nerves and generate pictures.

4. Autonomous Wheelchair
People who can’t walk have difficulties to walk will use wheel chairs. But they face difficulties in operating the wheelchairs too. So researchers from MIT has developed earn autonomous wheelchair that can take you wherever you ask to go. This smart gadget will learn about the surrounding by listening when the user identifies the location like “we are in Balcony”, “we are in the entrance of our home” and build maps using Wi-Fi. We can expect the advanced version of this gadget with cameras.

3. Smart Pills
Drug consumption is very dangerous. People get addicted to drugs day by day and finally can’t live without consuming them. In simple words we can say that drug is a slow poison. California based Proteus medical has created a sensor which can track the medication used by recording the exact time of drug ingestion. These micro chips are of a very small size like a grain. They emi high frequency electric currents which are logged by band-aid receivers on the skin. They can monitor hearth rate and respiration and transmit the details to a computer easily.

2. Cancer Spit Test
Cancer disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. There are various types of cancer include breast cancer and lung cancer. It is very hard to detect the cancer. People will get the severe symptoms when they are at nearly final stage. Researchers from University of California has designed a device known as Forget Biospies which can easily detect the presence of oral cancer from just single drop of saliva. The cancer cell proteins will react with dyes on the sensor and emits fluorescent light which can be easily detected using a microscope. Using this principle we can make saliva based diagnostic tests to detect many other diseases.

1. Smart Contact Lens
Some people lose their eye sight in the middle of ages due to some reasons. Glaucoma is the second major cause for blindness. It causes pressure inside the eyes and damage the retinal cells. Researches from University of California have developed contact lenses with conductive wires which can continuously monitor the pressure and fluid flow of eye at risk people. And it will provide information to a small device worn wirelessly by the patient. this information will help doctors to provide the best treatment to save the sight.