Technologies are growing daily in various patterns, and so many revolutions are astonishingly making life simple. Water is both a need and a want for every living thing on earth. Considering this, so many innovations and scientific technologies are present relative to water. Let us see the top ten technological inventions brought on the globe that are very much associative to water!
1. H2PRO
In 2014, Cynthia Sin Nga Lam, a 17-year-old girl, brought this H2Pro, the portable gadget which is charged only through sunlight. The filthy water goes to one side and with a specific titanium mesh and gets activated by the light rays from the sun. In turn, it sterilizes the water and moves through an extra filter.
The photolytic reactions even allow the water to get split into separately ass hydrogen and oxygen so that someone can use it as for their fuel cells. The presence of detergents and soaps help make plenty of hydrogen. Though there are so many water purifiers currently, H2Pro stood out alone because it requires only the use of sunlight and also is cheaper to buy.
The billboard that is seen in Lima in Peru is the world’s first water-generating billboard. This invention gives water to people only with the air’s presence and humidity of the atmosphere. It is not entirely a self-sufficient one but requires electricity in powering the five devices present in the board’s osmosis filtration system with each one responsible for generating till 20 liters of water every day. The water faucet is separately present where it comes out from its process.
In the Sidi Ifni region, Morocco it is present mostly with fog for about 143 days of the year. Dar Si Hmad thought of erecting a mesh that captures this fog and converts it into the water from the moistures present in the air. The 600 square meters mesh captures the water particles present in the fog, and this will then condense it and pour it into the collection trays. About 6,300 liters of water roughly is given for usage. The villagers of more than 400 in number are efficiently using this water which is mixing along with the underground water in about 8 kilometers pipelines.
The electrochemical system is using an efficient method for relying upon a process for selectively removing organic contaminants like pesticides chemicals and other waste products like that of pharmaceuticals which are dangerous even in small amounts. Acidity fluctuation and loos of functioning are also taken for consideration by this technology. The current system uses technology like membrane filtration, electrodialysis, and capacitive deionization. More developments are yet to be given
Reversing human’s mistakes is now possible! The “SeaBin” that is given by two Australian surfers is a water filtration system inside a bucket that sucks the waste and dangerous things or pollutants that are put in water with the use of a recycling mesh. The bucket also has an oil splitter that collects the oil present in waterways and throws it on the other side. This technology is almost the same like as the one you have in a fish tank, but this is present with the capacity to clean a whole ocean.
Removing plastic is always a difficult task, and now there is a new technology that picks waste materials from waterways. The ocean cleanup system uses a prototype that makes the plastic and other waste products of water float on top of all. This way purifying water is possible in an efficient manner!
The bamboo-like circular tower built on the ground in the rural Ethiopian villages is ready to harvest water from fog and air. The tower is buildup on a canopy that also provides shade for the residents to rest under it while they can funnel off the condensing water from the base of the bamboo tower!
The Stanford University along with the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is in the research to make the big shot of the UV water purifier a success in the futures. This tiny black box helps purify water in just 20 minutes in a non-expensive way!
The states which are struck by drought is now going to get plenty of water from the new technology of the floating solar power plant that gives drinking water of about 1.5 gallons. The methods are electromagnetic desalination which is possible in several steps to provide people with clean water!
Desalinating the water and also generating renewable energy is simultaneously possible with the Carnegie Perth Wave project. The 240KW buoys present submerging inside the waterways and the presence of the hydraulic pumps uses the electoral source and converts energy in the form of water and that too in clean mode!