Coding has recently become an important skill. Many people are trying to learn coding more than before. Coding is a game-changer, and those who can code have a competitive advantage in their careers. True, computer programming was originally considered a skill confined to computer nerds and geeks. Still it is today recognised as an essential skill as well as an extra advantage for many job profiles. Today, numerous platforms provide online training various coding levels and languages. One can choose a decent course based on their tastes and learn the fundamentals of crucial programming languages to advance their profession. So here are some websites to practice coding on:-
1. Coderbyte
Coderbyte is an online application that allows you to practice and enhance your coding skills. We provide a variety of coding challenges and web development courses to assist you in preparing for forthcoming job interviews. Coderbyte is ideal for those in their early to mid-career stages who are preparing for interviews.

2. HackerRank
HackerRank is a community of programmers from across the world who work together to solve issues in a variety of Computer Science fields such as algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, as well as to practice diverse programming paradigms such as functional programming.HackerRank is beneficial to developers since it helps them to practice technical interview questions.

3. Codewars
Codewars is a computer programming teaching community. Software engineers use the platform to practice programming tasks known as kata. These discrete programming assignments are conducted within an online integrated development environment and train a variety of skills in a variety of programming languages. For beginners and junior software developers, Codewars provides free and interactive coding exercises.

4. CodinGame
CodinGame is a technology company that is developing an online platform for developers that allows them to play with programming by solving increasingly complex puzzles, learn to code better with an online programming tool that supports twenty-five programming languages and allows users to compete in multiplayer programming competitions using timed artificial intelligence or code-golf tasks.

5. CodeChef
Code-Chef is a global programming community with an online teaching curriculum and a competitive programming community. Directi, an Indian software business, launched Code-Chef as an educational effort in 2009. Unacademy purchased it in 2020. Code-Chef includes initiatives for schools, colleges, and women in competitive programming, in addition to monthly coding contests for the community.

6. Project Euler
Project Euler is a website devoted to a collection of computational problems that can be solved through the use of computer programmes. Graduates and students interested in mathematics and computer programming are drawn to the initiative. Colin Hughes founded Project Euler in 2001, and it has grown in fame and popularity globally since then.

7. TopCoder
TopCoder is a well-known platform with a close-knit community of experienced programmers and developers.On the learning front, they feature a plethora of weekly tasks and explanations, as well as challenging competitions to help you rise to the coding occasion. Topcoder compensates community members for their contributions to projects and sells community services to corporate, medium-sized, and small-business clients.

SPOJ has a great community that can aid you with coding issues. You can start by tackling problems with the most submissions and then follow or double-check the recommendations of competent developers. Once you’ve solved 50-70 problems and earned some confidence, you can enter more challenges.

9. LeetCode
LeetCode is a website where users may practice coding and prepare for technical interviews. Software engineers are their primary customers. LeetCode includes over 1,900 questions to practice spanning a wide range of programming skills. LeetCode is an excellent place to begin competitive programming. LeetCode makes coding a breeze.

10. Geektastic
Geektastic includes both multiple-choice questions and peer-reviewed code challenges. A full explanation follows each multiple-choice question. Along with completing challenges, you may create and share your own with their global community. High-ranking coders may be invited to join the review team in addition to their interactive challenges and competitions.