Computer accessories are similar to the additional power providers for your PCs to enable multi-functioning. It could be a joystick for gaming, a light pen for easiness, and more. But here, we will talk about only those accessories that could run via Bluetooth. Here we will help you figure out the top 10 computer accessories that support Bluetooth connection.
1. Mouse
The wireless mouse makes your work even more accessible, and this wireless experience is provided via Bluetooth. The only problem with it is faster consumption of battery. It has been observed that a Bluetooth mouse consumes higher power than that a wireless mouse. Examples of Bluetooth mouse are Lenovo 600 Bluetooth Silent Mouse, Verilux Wireless Bluetooth mouse, and Lenovo Think Book Bluetooth Silent Mouse.

2. Keyboard
The Bluetooth keyboards are more commonly used for phones and tablets than laptops and ultrabooks. Some Bluetooth keyboard facilitates a distinctive split design that enables them to fit into smaller spaces. Some examples of Bluetooth keyboards are Portronics Por-973, Roq Ultraslim Bluetooth Wireless tablet keyboard, and Zebronics Zeb-max Ninja.

3. Speaker
The Bluetooth speaker’s portability makes it a good choice for music lovers. However, if we compare it with Wi-fi, it could lose in terms of quality since Bluetooth speakers compress data more than wi-fi speakers. Some examples of Bluetooth speakers are Teconica WE0005, JB Super Bass, Uddo Ws 787, and Philips BT51.

4. Printer
Bluetooth printers are generally used for small office workspace since it works best over smaller coverage areas if you are looking for something to work on the broader area, then wi-fi printers can be a better option. Some examples of Bluetooth printers are HP Desk Jet 1212 Printer, Canon Pixma TS207, and BluePrints BRMR2-BT.

5. Scanner
A Bluetooth scanner could be an excellent choice for scanning files directly into your computer. It works through the mechanism of converting optical signals into digital ones. Some examples of Bluetooth scanners are Fujitsu – fi-7160 Duplex Scanner and Epson Refurbished Workforce ES-50.

6. Gamepad Controller
Another fascinating Bluetooth enabled device is the gamepad controller that will provide you with limitless performance. Some examples of Bluetooth-enabled game controllers are Red Gear Pro Wireless, X Box 360 Controller, and Claw Shoot Bluetooth Controller.

7. Earphones
Wireless earphones are more convenient since you need not carry long wires while grooving. Some examples of Bluetooth-enabled devices are Boult Audio ZCharge and boat Rockerz 245 V2.

8. Headphones
Bluetooth headphone facilitates more fabulous battery life, sound quality, connection stability, and freedom. Some examples of Bluetooth-enabled headphones are Buddy Mate 380, Boat Rockerz 450, and Boat Rockerz 510.

9. Digital Pen
Bluetooth-enabled light pen fascinates freehand drawing and is specifically used explicitly digital artists. It may or may not consist of inbuilt feature. Some examples of Bluetooth-enabled digital pens are Mini Capacitive Stylus Pen and Oculus Touch Screen Stylus 2011.

10. Media Remotes
Other than its general use over TVs, media remotes is also compatible with computers for various purposes such as running presentation. Some examples of Bluetooth-enabled media remotes are Dell MR425 Express Card Ir Travel and Interlink Electronics VP6600 Express Card.

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