1. Japan

- The country employs advanced technology in all their applications and devices.
- Very fast in upgrading their systems if there are any requirements to make changes so that the devices can function better in a most efficient manner.
- Famous cars, gadgets, and appliances imported from Japan.
- They are well known for their progressive advancement in the field of Robotics.
- The pieces of equipment related to the computer utilized in the fighter jets of US air force is supplied by Japan.
- Tokyo and Osaka are the high tech cities with amazing internet speed.
2) The United States

- The United States provided the world with fastest internet access.
- Integration of technology into the fields like medicines, homes, military applications, the countries infrastructure.
- Groundbreaking leads in the fields related to experiments on medicines, and military.
- High-grade cybersecurity.
- Companies like Google, Apple, Intel, and Microsoft developed in the states.
3) India

- Most of the software for silicon valley is developed in India, for example, Infosys and Wipro.
- A huge number of gadgets and software are exported India.
- India outsources many individuals in the field of IT.
- The electronics gadget market is growing at a very quick rate.
- Many companies make an offer to Indian companies to develop software from scratch.
- Jio smartphones.
- Software development for gadgets.
- Silicon-based electronic hardware.
4) South Korea

- The manufacturers of advanced cars, robots, air conditioners, televisions, trains, helicopters, planes, boats, and computers.
- The highest internet speed available.
- Samsung and LG are currently dominating the market against Japan but slowly evolving to produce cars as good as japans.
- The highest number of robots employed at the hospitals.
- The applications are automated.
- Gadgets that make life much better.
- Robots work precisely.
5) Germany

- Gadgets used in US and Japan first manufactured in Germany.
- Luxury car companies electronic gadgets produced for Bavarian Motor Works(BMW), Volkswagen, Audi, and Mercedes, are all produced built in Germany.
- Electronic gadgets of High quality developed.
- The world leader in electronics engineering.
- High-speed electronics.
- Carbon fiber automobiles.
- Autonomous cars.
6) China

- Powerful telescopes, supercomputers, and fastest train are all manufactured presently in China.
- Chine is the leader in the field of manufacturing circuits, gadgets, electronic components, and hardware.
- Front end in the field of new inventions.
- They use their technology to produce numerous things.
- Android smartwatches.
- Sports electrocardiograph.
- Camera drones.
7) England

- It is in power with the United States regarding technological advancements.
- All the citizens equipped with brilliant gadgets infused with the latest technology.
- Three dimensional or 3D printers invented in the United Kingdom.
- The worldwide web developed in the United Kingdom.
- Many eco-friendly gadgets invented.
- The smart home concept.
- Smart appliances.
- Mobile payments.
- Super drones.
8) Canada

- The Mayo armband for real-life application manufactured for a touch-free control of the electronic devices used by an individual.
- Toronto-based Bionym, the Nymi band, is used at workplaces for authentication purposes.
- Mojio cloak helps to establish a connection between the car, and the smartphone for GPS tracking.
- Hololens along with virtual reality.
- Countertop cocktail machines.
- Quantum dot displays.
9) Israel

- The inventions and high tech evolutions in Israel give it the second place in the world.
- The inventor of Intel chips, flash drives, firewalls, defense software.
- Project Alloy VR headset.
- SCiO devise.
- Advanced driver assistance systems with vision-based.
- Automotive-grade V2X communication.
- The optical solutions for head-mounted displays.
- Customizable smart doorbells.
- Gesture-controlled steering.
10) Sweden

- Sweden produces world-class gadgets.
- The companies employ cutting edge technology in their hardware.
- Strong biotech center.
- The world leader in innovation.
- Microelectronics is making good progress.
- Gadgets made of high-speed electronics.
- Products are silicon-based.