Ah!! It must be hectic to be a discord moderator, isn’t it? Welcoming people onto your server and assigning unique roles to them. While also inviting users and banning people who cause a nuisance. Furthermore, playing music from YouTube videos, sharing images, and memes, and also programming new bots. Most importantly safeguarding your server against threats like viruses, scam links, and getting nuked. There are around 36k discord bots available. Choosing the correct bots is quite crucial if you want your server to rank among the top. Trust us, we have been there. Thus we present you the Top 10 Discord bots of 2022. These will guarantee maximum safety and protection to your server along with providing endless entertainment for your community.

1. MEE6
If you’re concerned about moderating then MEE6 is the king of bots. It allows you to customize your welcome message and lets users assign colors and roles to themselves. The mod can kick and ban users by setting up personalized commands. Thus allowing you to impose both temporary and permanent bans. It has other functions like playing music, voice recording and also lets gamers check their levels and XP.

2. Dank Memer
Well, how could a server be complete without any entertainment? That’s when Dank Memer arrives at your rescue. The all-in-one meme bot you need. It lets you slide random memes relevant to the current conversation just by a simple prefix command. While also gives you the freedom to create your memes too. You can also play games, gamble, or wager using the dank bot currency scheme. The dank bot provides you with a fascinating meme store to buy items and simultaneously lets you gift them to another user. If you want your server to be the center of amusement Dank Memer is a definite must install

Want something personalized? We got you covered. Dyno Bot acts as a server moderator. The best part being it easy to manage and grants you access through your dashboard. It performs the task of timed mutes or bans, auto-moderation, and mod logs. Dyno includes other vibrant features like server announcement, user rank, custom commands, AFK status, and reminders.

4. Rhythm
For music enthusiasts, we have Rhythm. This bot backs multiple sources to play music. You can play songs from apple music, YouTube, SoundCloud twitch, etc. The prefix commands this bot requires to work are really basic. The first step would be to add the bot. Secondly, you need to use the “!join” command and then “!play” to listen to your favorite playlist. The best part is multiple users get a chance to shuffle songs on the music channel. Honestly, you require this bot to make your server evergreen.

5. Double Counter
Talk about security and Double Counter isn’t mentioned. This can’t be true. Double Counter is one of the most reliable bots you could have on your server. Functions ranging from Ip address verification to VPN blocking are its specialty. This means users can’t use multiple/alternate accounts to log into your server. Members are verified by their Ip address for utmost protection and even cookies can’t escape. It is impossible to spam or raid someone’s server if it consists of this bot. On top of this, the bot provides additional features such as auto ban and auto kick after a timeout.

6. Community Bots
Who doesn’t want to grow their server and build a massive community? You can add a feature named hubs to your server with the help of this bot. This assists you in building communities outside your server. Users can create multiple channels that focus on different content. Examples include media, music, art, nature, photography, gaming, etc. In addition, you can bring two communities together and also live stream movies. Its commands are “!Hub create” to add your own hub, “!hub delete”, “!hub rename”, and “!hub hide” to delete, rename or hide your hub. “!hub category” and “!hub template” are used to set up channels.

7. GAwesome Bot
Dead Server? Revive your gang with the help of this bot. This bot isn’t named GAwesome for any reason. It can resurrect your server from the dead. This is a proven bot to increase user activity. With features like kick, ban, giveaways, polls, quizzes, memes, and award member ranks. GAwesome compels users to indulge, involve and develop a blooming community.

8. Epic RPG
Ah! So long-awaited. We have good news for the gamers. Epic RPG introduces you to role-playing games with dungeons, armor, swords, etc. You need to acquire updated armor and swords to beat dungeon bosses for leveling up. That’s where leaderboards come to play and you can compete with other users. The total numbers of dungeons are 20 and it’s an overall fun experience. There’s a wide array of commands you need to take care of if you want to play this game. They include statistics, gambling, working, economy, and fighting commands.

9. Tip.cc
Tip.cc is a great bot for those who have an online business. It not only allows you to send but also receive tips on your server. It covers cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Xrp, Solana, Cardano, and 200 different kinds of tokens. This bot also introduces its user to fun games like airdrops, rains, and coinflips to expand involvement.

10. Sesh
Finally, at the end of this list, we share another utility-worthy bot called Sesh. A discord mod also needs a schedule to work on to see visible results. Sesh is the most powerful calendar bot on discord. It has various functions like setting reminders, and roles and also displays time Zones. This bot takes care of involvement by inducing RSVPs, smart parsing, and creating surveys. A user-friendly interface is another of its many merits. Sesh can also be added to your google calendar.