Ethical hackers use ethical hacking tools to prevent the system from being hacked. Ethical hacking is the part of cyber security generally followed by major tech industries to protect their organization from unethical hacking. Ethical hacking tools can detect weaknesses in computer systems, servers, websites, and networks with the help of programming and scripts. With the help of ethical tools, you can collect the information, crack the passwords and create a backdoor in the computer system and networks. Ethical tools are used for security purposes by professionals. Ethical tools also use for software testing in cyber security.

NMAP is a top-rated ethical hacking tool. It is also known as Network mapping. Using NMAP, you can figure out the vulnerabilities inside any computer system and network, Network mapping and enumeration, and audit device security. The ethical hacker used NMAP to gather the information from the targeted system. NMAP works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

2. Wireshark
Wireshark is another popular ethical hacking tool. It is an analyzer tool that analyzes network traffic in real time. Wireshark is best for analyzing data packets. It can decrypt many protocols like Ipse, ISAKMP, SSL, etc.; it can also decompress gzip files on the fly. Wireshark is relatively easy to learn. It is accessible to open-source software and has cross-platform support.

3. Burp Suite
Burp Suit is a security testing tool used by ethical hackers for performing security testing of web applications and networks. It is java based web penetration framework with a GUI interface, allowing for tasks such as scripting, proxying, spidering, and fuzzing. It can detect generic vulnerabilities with 100% accuracy. Burp suite uses an out-of-brand technique(OAST).

Nikto is one of the popular ethical hacking tools used to scan and detect vulnerabilities in the web server. It can scan harmful files, outdated versions, and related web server problems. It can operate on Linux, Mac, Windows, and UNIX systems. It has full HTTP proxy support. It saves the report in a CSV, HTML, Text, NBE, and XML format.

5. Metasploit
Metasploit is open source ethical hacking tool. Metasploit is the best used for checking security vulnerabilities and for software penetration testing. It is easy to develop and execute exploit code against a remote machine. The framework of Metasploit s written in ruby. Through Metasploit, you can create security testing tools. It supports Mac OS X, Linux, and windows.

6. Acunetix
Acunetix is a very great ethical hacking tool for testing web applications. It’s used to check vulnerabilities in web applications such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other network vulnerabilities. It detects and reports over 4500 web application vulnerabilities. Acunetix Integration of scanner results into other platforms and tools.

7. Ettercap
Ettercap is an ethical hacking tool that supports cross-platform. It can help you in creating plugins. Ethercap has an inbuilt feature of network and host analysis. It is used for a middle-in-the-man attack by sniffing live connections and filtering the content even with HTTPS-secured data. You can run Ettercap in windows, Mac, and Linux. Ettercap is known for Ethernet capture.

8. Netsparker
Netsparker is a very accurate and proof-based scanning ethical hacking tool that helps to identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Netsparker is capable of finding SQL injection, crossing-site scripting (XSS), and other vulnerabilities. This tool mimic’s how hackers work. Netsparker is available online and in windows.

9. John-The-Ripper
John-the-ripper is the top ethical hacking tool. This tool is used for password cracking including very complicated. Many ethical hackers and pen-tester choose john to check security due to the ability to auto-detect passwords. It is used primarily for testing encrypted passwords. It supports DOS, Windows, and OPEN VMS. It was created to detect the week UNIX password.

10. Aircrack-NG
Aircrack-NG is an ethical hacking tool for WI-FI security. Aircrack-NG can crack WEP keys and WPA2-PSK and check Wi-Fi cards. It offers ethical hackers an array of command-line tools that check and evaluate WI-FI network security. It supports Windows, OS, 2free BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris. It supports any wireless network interface controller.