Science and technology though are developing and getting update regularly; people do not have the proper reason or the information that is requiring using the respective device or product correctly. This way is the technology of a USB. A USB or commonly known as the pen drive is a data storage device with a respective capacity or memory for its data that is recorded and copied in it. Let us look at a few significant features that are useful and are to be known by users of computers.
The windows launcher has the feature of a portable app that is primarily used and controlled by a pen drive only. This process acts the same way as buying a new mobile phone, and you get to use pre-installed applications in it. The same way, a USB works by having few apps like Firefox it and you can use it in your PC by plugging it to your system.
The pen drive is very significant in fixing a few minor issues of your apps or data in the user’s computer by connection of the pen drive to the system and working upon the problem. It even has access for maintenance and monitoring of the data and other kinds of stuff of your system through your USB.
The most popular brand of a system of operation is Linux. The other substitutes or various versions of this Linux like the damn small Linux and Xubuntu are possible for running on your system through the use of a USB. Since the hard-drive capacity is in minimum, the speed of the functions and processing is blazing.
Since few computers have limited storage capacity in it, the process of getting a copy or moving your data into an external pen drive is really significant and secure. Microsoft’s SyncToy is very good software to synchronize and save your data into the USB by saving your time too!
The Xbox Media Center, XBMC, now allows the user to play or run a complete version of a multimedia file in a personal computer through an external pen drive. Also, they permit the use of pre-configured demo versions for checking its compatibility with your PC.
If you are a very cautious paranoid about stealing information from your USB, then you can secure all with a USB Safeguard. The data is allowed for encryption through this and with the AES 256-bit advanced encryption. The user even has the chance to set a password to the drive, and if someone tries of a hack, then it can delete files on its own!
With the usage of Windows Vista and 7, if the user has a good sped USB flash drive, then he or she can use it for a Ready Boost. Ready Boost is the feature that allows the space of your USB as an extra RAM, quickly boosting the general speed of the Windows system and functioning of the programs.
A free application which is not much famous called the Predator is useful for the unlocking or getting permission for using a system that is in off. You can download and install this app and pair it with a USB drive; With this plugged in, you will be able to work but the second the USB is removed, the computer again shuts down, the device like mouse is disabled, and you have to insert the USB again to bring it back to life!
The USB acts as a life-saver when you are in need of something so important like a document. Just copy the files or folders that are of importance like certificates, registers, and photocopies, etc. and this will help you out in case of urgency and need of these.
The Windows Connect Now (WCN) allows the user to connect to a wireless network just by just inserting the drive into the system. WCN even allows the person to access freely with other computers for secondary works to do.