Learning English has become more fun and addictive in today’s times. Taking the advantages of certain games, one can effectively learn English language’s dialects, pronunciations, nouns, and even grammar gradually. The below is the list of ten ESL games one can practice to learn English better;
‘Find a Person’ is a spy game that can be played as a group. The game’s instructions are given by your teacher as an example- ‘Find a person wearing red’. By following the prompt, children need to find their pair that suits the instruction. Only two persons should pair at the same time. The remaining will play another round to find a person. Find A Person is one of the fascinating games to learn English better.

Last Man Standing is an ESL game which gives students to think about proper words and learn new words about a particular topic. The players should stand in a circle, and after starting the game, each player would start to tell about a theme on which they are playing. When you cannot say a word or repeat the same, you will sit down. The game will continue as it is. Finally, the game ends with a single player who stands to remain in the circle. He will be the winner of this game.

The most popular game that is suitable for the students who are in middle and high school to build their vocabulary knowledge is Tic-Tac-Toe. Here the players have to create nine cards with pictures on a theme and place three by three on their blackboard. Practice the nine words, call two players; and they should be asking on ‘what do you like.’ The players will say a word within the nine words. That word should be cut-off from the board. The game progresses like this. The players will have the chance to learn new words and simultaneously, understand the meaning of known terms.

The game Charades is a world-famous one that can help its players to know new words. Divide the players into two teams. Write down some words in a paper. First select one team and a player should act for a word that is in the sheet. The other players would find out the answer. After finishing all the words written on the sheet, check for the team with more points. Learning is completely cheerful with Charades.

Concentration is a game that will focus on improving the English memory power of a player. The game is highly suitable for high-school students. First, write down 15-20 words in blackboard. Ask the players to memorize as many words as they can in one minute. Then close the blackboard and the players should write the words which are in their memory. The game will help them in enhancing their English knowledge as well as recall power.

Board Race is a fun game for improving English vocabulary. Divide a few players into two teams and provide them with coloured markers for each group. At the middle of the blackboard, draw a line, and write a theme on the top. The players should then write the words related to the topic. Give one point for the correct word and learn brand new terms in a jolly way.

Doctor, Doctor Game will teach its players about medical vocabulary for the students who are above high-school. Here, the first player should tell about some common illness, and the other individual must say the simple remedies to cure it. Then, the second participant will continue with another problem and treatments to the same. This game is a time-breaker, especially for biology and medicine lovers.

The ChalkBoard Acronym is among the games useful to learn new English words. It starts by writing a word vertically. Then each player should write a new word beginning with the first letter of the written text. It improves the general pattern of learning English terms.

The game is a grammar-related fun one for the high-school students. Each player should write five adjectives, nouns, and verbs. Put all the words in a box. Divide the players into two groups. From each team, choose a word and let them explain the meaning for the other group to find it out. The time limit should be 30 seconds. The game will help the players get more into the grammar part of English learning.

Hangman is one of the top games to play. First, think of a word and write dashes to show how many alphabets are there in the same. The other players should find the word by telling out letters, one by one. If they say the right letter, put the alphabet in the correct place. Continue until the right word comes out.