Even a healthy and perfect person has some difficulties in his daily work. Then think about, people with disabilities. There are a lot of people who are deaf, dumb, and blind. But some people like Stephen Hawkins never minded about their disabilities and did many achievements. Technology is providing solutions for all of the problems. There are some gadgets specially designed for people with disabilities to make their life easier. Here are the top 10.
1. UNI
Uni is a device specially designed for deaf people. It looks like a tablet. It has a Specialized camera is used to detect finger gestures and movements and converts them to the text and conveys it to the second person with whom the specialized person wants to communicate. This gadget is very much uuseful for deaf people face a a lot of difficulties in communicating with others.

2. Google Glass
Google has provided a lot of facilities and apps to make our lives easier. The Google Glass is a gift for physically y handicapped people. It can move the barrier between two people completely by translating this book and language into subtitles. you know also has space detection technology, which is very useful for partially or fully blinded people to recognize the faces and expressions. It Also provides navigation anywhere you go.

3. Foot Mouse
Hands are important in our daily life. But some people are unable to use their arms and hands due to some disabilities. But some people with such disabilities won’t lose their hopes and try their level best to succeed in their life. The foot mouse is specially designed for those people. The foot mouse can be operated by using food instead of hands. This gadget is very much useful for people to use their hands to use the mouse.

4. Finger Reader
Disability is not a barrier for people who want to achieve their goals. They won’t underestimate themselves due to these disabilities, they, will try their level best. Some blind people love to read. But they are unable to do it. But technology has a ssolution for all our problems. The Finger Reader is a device that looks like a ring containing a small camera. Blind people can use this to read text on paper and online without braille. The blind person can wear this as a ring, when he points the finger at a word, the camera will scan it and says the word aloud. It also notifies about starting and the line ending of the line. It will vibrate when the ring is too far from the words.

5. Ava
Deaf people use lip-reading and sign language to understand the conversation. But it is difficult to follow up in group conversions. Ava is an App that is specially designed for deaf people to understand group conversations. It uses the microphone from everyone’s phone and converts them into text so that the deaf people can understand easily.

6. Tactile Wand Electronic Walking Stick
Blind people use walking sticks to find the barriers in front of them while walking so that they can walk easily. But it is hard to find the objects on the way using a stick. This is for what, the tactile wand electronic stick is designed. It will vibrate the person to warn him. The intensity will increase according to the distance between the object and the person. It is of the length of our hand, so it is very easy to hold.

7. Sesame Phone
Smartphones have become a very essential part of our life. We are dependent on our phones. We use our hands to swipe and scroll it. But What will a paralytic person do? The answer is they will have a Sesame Phone. It is a modified version of the Google Nexus 5 device. This Sesame phone can be controlled by using just your head. The head is considered as the finger and movements of the head are used to control the phone. As it is a smartphone you can download any apps and use them with your head. You can also play games with it.

8. Eye Controlled Laptops
Some differently-abled people are working with laptops and computers. But it is very hard for them to work with computers. Computers like MyTobiiP10 can be controlled easily with eye movements. It will track your eye movement and do what you want. The specialty is it can track your eye even when you are wearing glasses or turning your head while using it.

9. Dynavox Eyemax
This is also a device which uses eye trlacking technology. It is specially designed for people with paralysis and cerebral palsy. The users can watch television and read e-books. They can easily enter a word into the device, the word will be translated into spoken language. The device uses text to speak mechanism for this wonderful feature. There are many other tools available on this device.

10. Washer And Dryer
Washing clothes and making them dry is a little bit tough for even normal people. Disabled people will face more difficulties in this. To help them Panasonic has designed a machine, that has an angled drum to load and unload the clothes easily. Instead of heating elements, heating pumps are used for better drying. Both washing and drying are energy efficient.

This article proves the famous quote Where is a will there is a way. Even if you are a challenged person, if you have hope to succeed in your life, definitely you will. And you will get all the ways to achieve it.
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