- Steve Jobs

The CEO and co-founder of Apple Computers. Steve dropped out from the university at a very young age with a vision to create a revolutionizing product. He gave the world Macintosh, iPhone, iPod, iPad, etc., his works and aura are unmatched, and his contribution to the world of technology is unmatched. Later, when the corporation stocks started to fall and reach all time lowest, he came back, and that’s when Jobs got the hold of the business, and from thereon it was no looking back.
- Tim Berners-Lee

Tim is the only one who mixed the internet with the concept of hypertext without him, today’s Google, Bing and all .com services would be just a dream and not real. His parents made one of the earlier, and he also made one using an M6800 processor, a soldering iron, and an old television.

The name who gave us Windows. Bill vision is to provide technology to masses at an affordable cost, and he did it without any difficulty. From the young age, he excelled in programming and used to fix the bugs for Computer Center Corp. Later in college, he met Steve Balmer, his future partner with whom he later founded Microsoft.
- James Gosling

The person who invented Java Programming Language. The man who worked hard and whatsoever came in his way; he leaped and conquered. James initially created Green while he labor for Sun Microsystems. Java did not need to change for different devices, the language that worked on any platform without making many alterations.
- Linus Torvalds

Linus developed the Linus OS. He made the first open source programming language which is available for all, i.e., for the one using it and for the one who can upgrade the idiom to make it better and reliable. Linux is modifiable and whatever update Linux goes through the owner is Linus.
- Richard Stallman

The man who found the GNU project. It is similar to that of Unix operating system; the only difference is that it is an open/ free software. Richard worked hard to make this and all the necessary tools for the system and software.
- Arthur C Clarke

The writer behind one of the greatest films of all time, 2001: A Space Odyssey is predicting the future technology for a long time. Arthur predicted that geostationary satellites would be a great move which can make communications easier, and it did happen, and his predictions proved to be right and to the point.
- Ted Codd

The man who proposed the twelve rules which are a set of thirteen rules which Ted defined to be important for any database to be relational. Many databases in the modern world wouldn’t be possible without these set of rules. Every regulation must be followed to make a perfect RDBMS.
- Steve Shirley

One of the successful women in the IT sector. She worked hard and started an information pioneer technology company at the time when the male dominated the division and created many job opportunities for women. Her company, Xena worked in developing new technology that can change the face of history.
- Martha Lane Fox

A successful businesswoman, public servant, and philanthropist are what that perfectly describes this woman. She and Hoberman founded the Lastminute.com which is an online travel agent, and one can order gifts from there. She is an active socialist and fights for women’s and human’s rights and social justice.