1. Green Architecture

Green architecture is a technology that reduces the urban resource consumption drastically, making the expansion of urban sustainable. This will allow the construction of building in a way, which uses the existing natural light and ensures proper insulation, which reduces the energy consumption. The construction material source will be from urban waste and landfill. These practices will reduce the energy consumption and eliminate the heating requirements as the amount of heat loss is reduced.
2. Waste-water Electricity Generator

Oregon State University”s Engineer has created hybrid-electricity generator by using waste water. The engineer has combined two different power generation technologies-reverse electrodialysis and microbial fuels to make this system. The generator can produce enough electricity for power water treatment and can also contribute to the main power grid. This technology will help in tackling the shortage of water.
3. New Nuclear Material

Presently Uranium in nuclear power reactor uses only one percent potential energy and rest of them are radioactive waste. But another material like Thorium exists that replace Uranium and use the full potential of nuclear power. Thorium based fission is less water associated as it mined in the isotopic form in the reactor. Moreover it adequately available on the earth. The R&D in this is accelerating, and scientist is hopeful that these would be cost effective.
4. Water-sourced Biofuel

It is a technology that turns the biomass waste such as grass, paper, and wood chips into gas and then into ethanol. This procedure requires less water and leaves less carbon than the traditional ethanol production. Various pilots are going to be launched in Canada, Australia and the O.K. with companies that are building a standardized and easy to install plants. This would lead the municipalities all over the world, to begin with, the transformation of garbage into clean fuel.
5. Biomimicry

It gives rise to self-healing materials. These materials have the capability to heal the goods when cut, cracked or torn. This gives result in long-lasting to most consumer goods, thus reducing the demand for raw material and waste.
6. Electric Automobiles

Electric vehicles will now with a device installed that will allow the vehicle to receive power remotely through an electronic, magnetic field broadcast from cables laid under the road. These are going to road test in South Korea.
7. Carbon Capture

It is a process of storing carbon under the ground and has immediate appeal. But there always have uncertainties with this and also risk associated with leaks and storage. Two molecules-ZIFs and amines have been recognized to make it more efficient, safe and cost-effective. This work well under real-world condition and also process have been put for its faster production.
8. Molten Salt Storage

Molten salt can be useful in energy storage when used in solar energy production. The salt can store a significant amount of heat by storing the surplus heat during the day. This salt can now generate steam, can run the electric turbine in the absence of sunlight, and as a result, make solar energy the best option than other non-renewables.
9. Artificial photosynthesis

Scientist and engineers are working to develop a technology that will produce energy by using carbon dioxide and sunlight. It will reduce carbon dioxide level as well as will produce renewable fuel.
10. Smart Meters

Smart meters and grids help in effective utilization of scarce resources. Smart meters for electricity will help to use our appliance in more efficient manner and also reduce electric bill. Smart grid for water will help to save water by minimizing leakage.