PowerPoint might remind you of your old days of computer labs if you’re not the person who uses it on a regular basis. But you have to agree on it that everyone HAS TO use this software at one point in time. Be it in business presentations or college reports, you must know how to use it efficiently in less time. These hacks will help you to get done with it in an easy way.
1. Custom path
We’ve all used different animation styles in our presentations. But most of them are already present there. If you knew how to create your animation style in the PowerPoint, wouldn’t it be great? Here’s how you can do it:
Go to Animation tab.
Select the custom path on the down arrow option and there you go!
2. Hyperlink
Did you know that you can use any text or any image or any object as a hyperlink? Yes, that’s true. Your first step is to select that object and then press Ctrl+K. Give the link in the address space and click OK.
3. Invisible hyperlinks
Sometimes you don’t want special color or underline over your hyperlinks. They might grab the unwanted attention of the audience and lead your presentation nowhere. So why don’t we just hide them and pretend them to be as common as other objects? Use ‘No Fill’ and ‘No Line’ format on a square object and then create your hyperlink as discussed earlier.
4. Black and white swap
Want to keep a hold on your audience while you are busy speaking? This hack is popular among business presentations but might be new for you if you’re in college or school. During the slideshow, use ‘B’ or period key for black screen and ‘W’ or comma key for the white screen.
5. Draw
While giving your presentations, you might want to point to some particular word or image. Obviously, you’re not going to keep a stick with you for such task. It’s best to use the drawing tool by pressing Ctrl+P and mark that object carefully.
6. Zoom In
The drawing tool may not always be the right thing to use especially when your object is too small for the far-away people to see it clearly. You can use the magnifying glass present at the bottom of the presenter screen. Plus for zoom in and minus for zoom out. Easy!
7. Shortcuts at hand
For your PowerPoint skill boost, it’s essential that you have the knowledge of some important shorthand. You’ll use them frequently during your regular work.
a. Use “ESC” key to end the presentation.
b. To create a duplicate image while dragging it, press Ctrl key.
c. Ctrl+D for a duplicate slide.
d. Ctrl+M for a new slide.
e. F5 to start the presentation.
f. ‘N’ for next slide.
g. ‘P’ for the previous slide.
h. ‘Ctrl+HOME’ to go to the first slide.
8. Go to that slide
If you want to refer different slides at a point of time and you’re familiar with your whole presentation very well, then you just have to enter the ‘slide number’ that you want and press enter.
9. Smart art
Instead of going for that old-school traditional and boring bullets, you should use smart art for better effect and appeal. Select the bulleted text and convert it to smart art. Let your creativity flow here!
10. Shift key
This key helps in a whole list of tasks. When you want a perfect shape like a circle, a straight line or a square; when you want to go to the master slide; when you want to select multiple objects at the same time; and to avoid the skew effect of images. Also use Shift+F9 to toggle the grids, ‘Shift + left mouse’ to keep the proportions in order, ‘Shift+Alt+Up’ [or down] for reordering a list.