Social media is the most common medium of communication nowadays. According to research, there are over 3.96 billion social media users globally. The power of social media experiences is terrific in different groups and sectors. For numerous reasons, social media is dubbed a two-edged sword. Social media enabled us to share relationships with the rest of the globe. It is beneficial and terrible sharing too much on social media reduces intimacy in a relationship, and sharing too little makes others doubt its sincerity.
1. It Can Affect Our Mental Health
Social media encourages connection studies have connected it to loneliness, mental disorders, and low self-esteem. According to a study, those with underlying mental health disorders are vulnerable to social comparisons due to a negative cognitive bias. Reduced social media use demonstrates improved loneliness and depression symptoms.

2. Helps Gain Perspective
The most well-known benefit of social media is it allows better worldwide communication. It is possible to communicate with individuals worldwide through social media. Social media communicates enormous information, builds relationships, and facilitates worldwide connections. Social media has helped to strengthen ties all around the world.

3. Leads To Oversharing
Couples use social media frequently to update followers on their location and relationship status. People discuss intimate details about their relationships. Numerous couples communicate depressing information about their relationships through cryptic messages and anecdotes. Sharing sentiments on social media is an inappropriate method to communicate in a relationship.

4. Leaves No Scope For Quality Time
Social media addiction become a contentious problem among couples. The majority of couple prioritizes their social media profile over the current situation. Couples make it harder to make time for one another because of these virtual encounters. They limit their conversation and miss out on making memories, eventually decreasing communication and unity between them.

5. Decreases Quality Time
Excessive social media use limit quality time, causes conflict, and decrease relationship satisfaction. Researchers utilized Instagram and app time-tracking features to learn about the relationship between social media and happiness. They discovered that increased Instagram usage reduce relationship satisfaction and increased conflict and unfavorable consequences. Through several studies and research, individuals believe phubbing is impolite and violates social standards.

6. It Makes Daily Life Seem Less Interesting
Envy is triggered by a drool-worthy photograph of a couple on vacation, preventing you from appreciating where you are in the current. The everyday aspect of couple’s existence is overlooked by social media. Struggles, tasks, compromise, and connection causes difficulties are worthwhile. A trip can make you happy, but it’s the little things in life to bring joy.

7. It Boosts Connectivity
According to current studies, frequent social media use is good for social interaction with family members and friends who do not reside in the same city, state, or nation. Social media allow long-distance loved ones to remain in touch quickly. People share images of trips and family occasions and publish updates about themselves and those in their lives. People adjust their privacy settings and share personal information and photographs via individual or group chats.

8. Fuels Functional Impairments
Social media interaction influences existing relationships and the potential to build new ones. Researchers emphasize the need for more research on social anxiety and social media use people with social anxiety continue to experience functional impairments, being uncomfortable, unable to form and engage in face-to-face relationships — when they replace in-person interactions with social media use. Failure to sustain in-person connections arises because of social media use.

9. Broadcasting Live
Broadcasting live is a joyful and innocent notion to share life events. It evolved into an essential element of political movements, presenting society’s darker part. It streams live videos created on important venues for critical concerns.

10. It Builds A Community
Brands establish a community focused on products and services by utilizing social media. Adopting a brand is essential to be a member of a lifestyle, and social media reinforce it. Companies create loyal consumers by connecting with the correct groups and developing a community out of a brand.