Our world is on Tech. Boom and several corporations has contributed a lot in this domain. Our tech-world would have been incomplete without them, because each one of them have played an essential role in the upliftment of the standard of our convenience, and binding billions of minds together.
Let’s have a countdown of the world’s leading Information Technology companies to date.
1. Google
Founders-Larry Page, Sergey Brin
net worth-$1210 billion
Google is a multi-talented, multinational technology, and the ‘most powerful’ company that comprises a vast market dominance. Besides search engines, it also has expertise in cloud computing, advertising, e-commerce, and others.

2. Microsoft
Founders- Bill Gates, Paul Allen
net worth- $333.8 billion
Microsoft is an infamous American Giant with expertise in software and comprises a vast market dominance over its domain. Other than Windows, it’s also a renowned player of web browsers, Office suite, video games, touchscreen laptops, and others.

3. Apple
Founders- Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne
net worth- $94.68 billion
Apple Inc. is another American Giant with expertise in consumer electronics and comprises a huge market dominance over its domain. Besides smartphones and laptops, it’s also a renowned player in online services, cloud computing, OS, and others.

4. IBM
Founders- Charles Ranlett Flint
net worth- $132 billion
IBM, known as International Business Machines Corporation, and formerly known as Computing Tabulating Recording company, is a great multinational company with expertise in Robotics, Cloud Computing, Software, Blockchain, Computer hardware, and others.
5. Infosys
Founders- N.R. Narayana Murthy
net worth-$14 billion
Infosys is an Indian Giant with expertise in information technology and comprises a vast market dominance over its domain. Besides IT, it’s also a renowned player in business consulting and outsourcing.
6. Samsung
Founders- Lee Byung-Chul
net worth- $300 billion
Samsung is a South-Korean Giant with expertise in consumer electronics and comprises a great market dominance over its domain. Besides smartphones and laptops, it’s also a renowned player in online services, cloud computing, OS and others.

7. Intel
Founders- Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce
net worth-$161.41 billion
Intel is an infamous American Giant with expertise in semi-conductor chips and comprises a vast market dominance over its domain. Besides microprocessors, it’s also a renowned player in computer hardware, automation, Artificial Intelligence and others.

8. Dell
Founders- Michael Dell
net worth- $94 billion
Dell is an infamous American global corporation with expertise in IT and comprises a remarkable market dominance over its domain. Besides the hardware, it’s also a renowned player of computer software, servers, storage, electronics, and others.

9. cisco
Founders- Leonard Bosack, Sandy Lerner
net worth-$ 97.49 billion
Cisco is an infamous American Giant conglomerate with expertise in networking hardware and comprises a huge market dominance over its domain. Besides the hardware, it’s also a renowned player in telecommunications equipment, software, high-technology, and others.

10. Oracle corporation
Founders- Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, Ed Oates
net worth- $5.95 billion
Oracle Corporation is an infamous American Giant conglomerate with expertise in database technology and comprises a huge market dominance over its domain. Besides database software, it’s also a renowned player in cloud engineered systems, supply chain management software, enterprise resource planning software, and others.