Mobile phones became the inseparable part of our life. We depend on our mobile phones for each and everything. Alarm, messages, emails, calls, and many tasks are done easily with the help of mobile phones. Thus Mobile phones are our companions throughout our whole life and help us a lot. We must know some interesting facts about our companions. Here are the Top 10 interesting facts about Mobile Phones.
1. First Mobile Phone
All of us are using phones which have no buttons or antennas, and have just an empty screen. But the first Mobile phone was not like this. Before the invention of the mobile phone, people used Landlines to make long-distance calls. Landlines had a lot of wires for long-distance communication. The first wireless Mobile phone was Motorola DyanTac 8000X invented by Martin Cooper, an American Engineer in 1973.

2. World’s Strongest Phone
One of the major problems of mobile users is we are very careless with our phones. We drop our phones accidentally or in a hurry. So either the glass or the whole mobile will break. But the Sonim XP3300 mobile phone won’t break, even if you drop it from the 84th floor of a building. This phone also got a place in Guinness World Records. If you are a careless person, who drops the phone often, must try this!

3. Fastest Texter
We spend most of our time chatting with our loved ones. Because of this chatting, our typing abilities are improved. Our typing speed increased. A normal man can type 35-40 words per minute. But there is shocking news about a 21-year-old woman called SSonja Kristiansen. She has done a Guinness World record by being the fastest typing human in the world. She typed the text with 160 characters provided by Guinness World records in just 37.28 seconds.

4. Costliest Phone
Love for iPhones never end. Even some people can’t afford much money, they love to buy iPhone. Some lucky people who have crazy interest iPhone will buy the costly versions. This version is for such people. The iPhone 5 version completely coated with 26 carat black diamond. It was launched at the price of $15.3 million. This is the most costliest phone in the world.

5. Sweet Android Versions
hocolates and sweets are loved by everyone. Android has a special place in everyone’s mind. But here both are together. After the android versions 1.0 and 1.1 the other versions had sweet names such as
- Cupcake – version 1.
- Donut – version 1.6
- Eclair – version 2.0
- Ice cream sandwich – version 4.0
- Kitkat – version 4.4-4.4.4
- Lollipop – version 5.0 – 5.1.1
And so on.
This is a sweet and yummy fact.

6. World’s Tiniest Phone
Nowadays phones are being longer and thinner. But there exists a phone which of 46.7 mm length. It weighs just 13g. So that it’s size and weight is similar to a credit card. It can store up to 300 numbers. The battery will lasts for 3 days. Generally it will take 2-5 hours to charge completely depending upon the current state of the phone. This is the smallest phone in the world.

7. Divorce Through Text
In our countries, there are a lot of formalities for getting a divorce. We have to apply for divorce have to visit the lawyer and court a lot of times and face their questions properly. Getting divorced is not easy. But in Malaysia, you can divorce your partner by just sending a text message. There are no formats for the messages you can just simply text “I divorce you”. This is enough to get a divorce legally. This is a weird, shocking truth!

8. First Phone Call
As our first Phone call with our loved ones are special, the first Phone call in the world is also special. It was done by Martin Cooper who invented the first mobile phone, an American Motorola Engineer. The first Phone call was made on April 3 1973, by Martin Cooper using a handheld cellular phone to Dr. Joel S. Engel who was working at Bell Labs and also a rival of Cooper. On April 3 1973 the first mobile phone was introduced by Cooper at a press conference. To verify it’s working he made the call to Dr. Joel. This was the first mobile phone call in history.

9. Charge Using Urine
Hereafter we don’t need to search for the charger for our phones. We can use our toilet! Yes, researchers have found a way of charging mobile phones using urine. Dr. Loannis Leropoulos, working at Bristol Robotics Laboratory, declared the harnessing power from urine. By harnessing this power as urine passes through a cascade of microbial fuel cells, we were able to charge a Samsung phone. In the future, we can expect a smart toilet to charge lights, razors, and mobile phones.

10. Highest Phone Bill
When we get bored or feel depressed we will call our best friends or special ones, their talks can make us happy. But whenever we talk with them, we don’t know how the time passes. We will speak for 3-4 hours with them without getting bored. But the saddest thing is the phone bill. A woman in the US named Celina Aarons was shocked by seeing the phone bill of $200k. Celina had brothers who were deaf and mute. As they can communicate only through text, one brother sent nearly 2000 text messages and also downloaded a lot of videos resulting in he world’s highest Phone Bill.
We are using smartphones daily. But we don’t know the amazing facts about it. There are a lot of things to explore in this world. Try to spend time there.

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