iPhone X (ten) is the latest smartphone launched by Apple inclusive. It lofted in the market on November 3, 2017, on the Apple park campus. The launch of this model signifies the tenth anniversary of the Apple series. It is a phablet (linking the countenance of a tablet with a phone) and weighs 174 grams, or we can say 6.1 oz. The slogan of this model is “Say hello to the future” and it connotes what the Apple Company thinks of the future technology. Apple is a company of dignity and status, whenever the Apple Company launches its new products; it captures the interest of the sector it has targeted through various innovations.
iPhone X comes with various attractive applications; some of these, specially designed for kids. Children nowadays learn more from digital aids than from traditional methods; so, the Apple Company brings the best learning and fun applications for kids. Mobile devices can expertly prove to be of great use in educating and entertaining the little ones.
Some of the best applications for kids under the age of 10 are picked from the app store and, mentioned below-:
Peek-A-Zoo –
The peek-a-zoo application is a simple game of question and answers for the children of 5 years of age and below. This application can be installed free of cost from the app store. It comprise of lovely animal characters which ask easy questions from the players, such as, what is the color of the lion? Who is dressed in red? Who is smiling? And many more. This application intends to inflate the observing power of the young ones and is an attractive game which children become fond of playing.
My Hungry Caterpillar –
My hungry caterpillar is an appealing and fun game which costs $4.99 to buy it from the app store and is designed for the kids aging 10 and below. This game gives the little ones to play a role of the caretaker of the caterpillar. Kids can feed the caterpillar, can make him sleep under a leaf, play with him and watch the caterpillar grow and transform into a pretty butterfly. After the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, a new egg is disposed of, and the speculation starts afresh.
The Squiggle Fish –
The squiggle fish is a unique exposure for the youngsters. The children indulge in a creative environment. This game brings the digital world closer to the little ones. The kids are supposed to draw fishes on a paper to fill a fish tank given on the mobile screen; the fish that are crafted by the young ones on paper comes magically to life in the fishbowl when they move those fish into the fish tank via the phone’s camera.
Bloom –
Bloom is available in the app store for $3.99. It is a music-related application, in which, kids tap on the mobile screen to play a musical note. It is a relaxing, fun and a soothing app for the children under the age of 10. Kids enjoy playing musical notes by tapping on the mobile screen and enjoy making audio compositions.
Endless Alphabet –
Endless Alphabet is a well-known application in the app store and hugely liked by children. It is an expensive application, which costs $8.99. Endless Alphabet is a fun application, in which the player chooses a word, and the letters scatter than the player has to sway them back to form the word they opted. Once, the player drags the alphabet or letter to form the word; an animation occurs which explains the real meaning of the word to the children. In this way, the little ones learn a lot of words and their meanings.
The Journeys Of Invention –
The Journeys of the invention can be purchased from the app store for $9.99 and is designed for children above the age of 4. It is an appealing digital book which aims to promote the course of the science of technology in an understandable form, understood by the young ones. It helps to learn that how the various inventions have impacted. The Journeys of Invention is considered as the best educational application of the Apple IOS systems.
Dino Tim –
Dino Tim is free of cost in the app store, designed for the ages 3-6. Dino Tim is an innovative method to make children learn about shapes, colors, and words. It is a puzzle game, in which kids have to solve different puzzles about geometric shapes, vibrant colors, and new words. The game is available in some languages and helps the youngsters learn various things at a very young age.
The Squeebles Time-Table –
The Squeebles Time-Table is an attractive mini-game, consisting of tables, which helps the parents and teachers to keep records of the kids and make them follow a perfect time-table through attractive animations. The squeebles time-table costs $2.99 in the app store, designed for ages 6-8.
Metamorphabet –
The Metamorphabet, designed for the children aging 6-8and costs $3.99 in the app store. It is an award-winning game which transforms letters into words with eye-catching and attractive animations. It is an alluring application which helps in learning spellings of some words.
Math Bingo –
Math Bingo is a game that is all about mathematics. It helps in understanding the elemental approaches of division, addition, multiplication, and subtraction. Math Bingo is normally for the children under age group of 6-8 and is available at a price of $2.99 in the app store. In this fun-loving and educational game, kids are given a bunch of questions according to their capabilities and choice. It is a colorful and interactive game which helps in making mathematical questions fun of learning.
A child’s education and learning should not only be limited to schools and books. Education can be made easy with the help of the various applications that are available for the iPhone users. As we are moving towards a digitalized era, education can also be made digital. With the useful applications that we stated in this article, it is easier to learn in an efficacious manner.