Games are a factor of enjoyment and refreshment for all. It does not categorize people by age. Anyone, may it be a ten-year-old child or a 60-year-old man, games provide a unique dimension to people, taking them to an entirely different world. It has become a source of interest and joy for many. Now, let me list the best games that would bring you a whole new universe of utmost fun and thrill..!!
1) Criminal Case:

The game of investigation and catching out the killer or criminal is nothing but ‘Criminal Case.’ As the name suggests, it involves the solving of many cases where you would be the corporal, and your grade or police rank would be improving based upon the number of cases solved and your efficiency of finding the murderer. It takes the player to a cosmos of a cliffhanger and brings out the skill of scrutiny to make decisions. A must game for people with a ‘next what happens’ attitude with the greatest passion for suspense and anxiety.
2) The Room:

‘The Room’ is a thrilling game that comes under the “escape games” genre. Every stage brings you certain intriguing problems to solve and proceed to the next level. It is one of the puzzling games in three dimensions. The visuals are one of the main factors, which take this game to an entirely different level. The developers have given out a delicate and intricate graphics that keep the gamers engaging once they are into this world. For the puzzling minds, this game is a perfect one to hit out. The Room has already received several awards and nominations for various factors, from design to gameplay, including the BAFTA award in the year 2012.
3) Mini Militia:

This game is the current successor of Clash of Clans. It stepped in after the “Bomb Squad,” and the multiplayer feature brings more attraction to this game. The UI is so cute and well organized, and they are tiny which gives in turn, a wider screen space to depict the ambiance around. The gaming style is somewhat similar to the Bomb Squad, but this game never sounds boring. Who would hate seeing small tiny troops and rifles, grenades, and ammunitions? This one is surely going to rock the combat world in the future and is going to stir an unfathomable frenzy in the game world.
4) Clash of Clans:

Clash of Clans is one of the earliest games that brought in the concept of multiplayer gaming into the mobile world. And it became such a trendsetter that, “going to war” became a daily routine of a gamers’ life. The multiplayer feature enabled players to group up and creates a community, and every player could train one’s troops and optimize their defense forces, in short, a modern “Age of Empires,” within a 10*10 screen. Surely, a beautiful treat of visualization to the gamers, where combat turns frenzy!
5) Super Adventurer:

The label ‘Super Adventurer’ aptly describes the game. You turn out to be the explorer of various worlds which has its own opponents and ambiance. You ought to fight against the sundry foes of multiple stages and land up in the next stage to delve and explore it. Additionally, you can increase your score by gaining coins and can rejoice the perks provided. One literally experienced the backdrops of the player in the game, and it takes one to the arena of virtual reality. A sure game to enjoy and probe the deepest oceans and the highest skies ever!!
6) Shadow Fight:

What more than the Ninja ambiance can give the best action mood to a gamer? Shadow Fight provides you just that. You enter as a mere amateur and will be put across various enemies, every time your skills get tested. This game projects a strategic perspective with the fact that you cannot simply beat your opponent with a textbook kind of steps. Whenever you are put to fight, you need to analyze your opponents’ strengths and signature moves. Although, the game is 2D, one never feels let down at any point. With its interactive flow and graphical designs, Shadow fight continues to be one of the most wanted action games, and its popularity has fetched various versions for the gamers from the developers.
7) Angry Birds:
Angry Birds is one of the most sought-after games ever. It has won many hearts and had the greatest reach among people of various regions. It is actually a game involving the hitting of birds that are caged so that they tend to be released. Catapult will have the birds with angry faces which are termed as angry birds. These angry birds via catapult will be made to strike the caged birds by the player to release them. This game, apart from being an interested one, highly improves the trait of aiming.
8) Subway Surfers:

You, the Subway Surfer, will be entertained with several milieus. You will be chased by a hulking man, and hence you will have to maintain your pace of running. The amateur will have to run over the tracks, jump over the trains and do some risky, yet exciting jobs to escape from the chaser. While sprinting, you can collect the gold coins, energy boosters, and other rewards. One must not miss experiencing this game which is a daring and venturesome delight.
9) 2048:
2048 is one perfect game for the puzzling minds and math geeks. It grew to immense popularity that even Google commemorated the game by creating a Google doodle of it. It is one of the simplest games, in terms of concept. The user is given a 4×4 grid with four directional movements across the grids. Each time the numbers merges, a power of 2 increases. And when 2048 reaches, one wins!! Sounds simple, right? But, it is not a cakewalk to win this one. Surely, a treat to math lovers!!
10) Roll the Ball:

The title ‘Roll the Ball’ may seem simple, but it needs high thinking capability. In this game, a ball should be made to attain the destination via multiple blocks containing different dimensions. The blocks should be adjusted such the divergent paths in each block connects the forthcoming and previous blocks, and finally, the target is made to be reached with three stars. It indeed enhances and extends the possibility of deliberation one can have. Thus, it is a game to hit out to boost one’s ‘Think out of box’ logic.
The games mentioned above encompass a wide range of genres, from brain ticklers to combat arena, and to the suspect identification. With the extent covered by games in today’s life, it seems that gaming would give us knowledge more than books would give. With that note, try all the above-cited games, and you would hardly find yourself pulling out of the gaming world. Just game on!!