Nothing is bad by birth, but its deeds are responsible for determining its nature. The same goes for technologies, though they are made for human convenience but end up becoming a threat to humanity. Here, we will help you to figure out the top 10 most disastrous technological inventions that are possibly one of the greatest threats.
1. Drone Swarms
Drone Swarms are slightly different from ordinary drone technology since their idea originated from a swarm of insects capable of coordinating with one another as a team. Similarly, the drone swarms would also be modified to a level that they will be able to work as a team for the successful completion of their mission in militaries. The disastrous side of this invention would be the outcome of creating the machine with a mind that would be equipped with weaponry.

2. Spying Smart Home Devices
Smart home devices are made for your convivence but the dangerous part is they are well aware of your every move. They record and store every single piece of information such as your routes, your arrival and departure time, your habits, your virtual behaviours, etc. It is like letting a spy into your dwelling since the misuse of this information is possible.

3. Facial Recognition
There have been instances when the government are accused of unknowingly identifying and tracking people of interest. This could be extremely dangerous because they could track you down for surveillance, racial profiling, etc. All of this is possible through facial recognition which is not even 100% accurate.

4. Deepfake Technology
Deepfake technology is a subordinate of AI cloning that uses raw material such as voices and images of people to create extremely convincing videos visualising things that never happened in reality. The victims could be falsely accused which can demolish their social image.

5. Ransomware
Ransomware is on hype; this malicious malware decrypts your files in exchange for money. It is equivalent to virtual blackmailing. Its impacts and coverage can be highly magnified via artificial intelligence.

6. Smart Dust
Smart Dust is an outstanding yet dangerous outcome of a microelectromechanical system. Imagine you are being spied by a pinch of dust particles well-equipped with sensors, cameras, and power supplies.

7. Fake News Bots
Fake News could be extremely dangerous not only for people but also for the government. There are several AI systems such as GROVER that can create convincing fake articles with a headline. Though it could be convenient the disastrous outcome indeed overpowers the advantages.

8. Lethal Autonomous Robots
Lethal Autonomous robots are robotic weaponry consisting of slaugterbots and killer robots. This invention is disastrous because trusting programmed robots with heavy weaponry carrying missions independently could be risky. They are becoming a common part of military strategies.

9. Autonomous Vehicles
Autonomous vehicles are self-driving vehicles with sensors. Imagine what would happen if there is a glitch or sabotage, the life of the passenger and even the surrounding could experience destructive loss.

10. Augmented Reality
Augmented reality could lead to intrusion in privacy as well could cut down most precious moments of your life since you would be engaged in something which does not even exist in the real world.

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